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5 Tips to Consider When Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby

Most parents start their babies on solid food between the ages of four and six months old. Many first-time mothers dread the day when they’ll have to introduce their babies to solid foods. There are so many questions to address before taking this leap. For example, how much do you know about baby food? Is your baby a fussy eater? What will you do if your baby isn’t getting essential nutrients? These questions swirl around in mothers’ heads and stress them out, as mothers are usually doing most of the childcare. Here are five tips to consider when starting your baby on solids.

  1. Start When You Think Your Baby Is Ready

When it comes to parenting or nursing an infant, do not rely on others’ experiences. Start introducing solid foods only when you think your baby is ready for these. If you believe your child is not prepared to start eating solids, even after six months, you can wait till eight months. Feeding children solid foods too early can be harmful and lead to health issues later on.

  1. Begin With Simple, Organic Food

Most pediatricians say it’s best to begin with fruit and vegetable purees instead of rice cereal. Initially, you can make single-ingredient purees that have a smooth texture. Feeding your child such wholesome food will ensure they get all the essential nutrients and vitamins needed for growth and wellness.

  1. Maintain a Runny Consistency

When it comes to baby food, solids don’t mean solids. The consistency of the food should be somewhere between solid and liquid. Be sure to keep the food fluid, and maintain a runny consistency to make the food easier to eat. Steaming and mashing fruits and vegetables, and then mixing with some milk, will achieve both consistency and texture.

  1. Start With One Feeding

When you introduce solid foods, start with one feeding per day. Moreover, do not hesitate to play with flavors and try out different fruits and vegetables every day; doing so will help you understand what your child likes and doesn't like. Having this knowledge will be beneficial when you make more complex blends later on.

Do not stop breastfeeding or giving formula, as your baby will need the nutrients. You can feed according to a schedule and supplement breastfeeding with giving solid food.

  1. Organic Baby Food

If your baby is a fussy eater, and the food you make does not satisfy them, buying organic baby food from a reliable vendor is the best solution. Pick foods that are 100% organic, as this way you won’t expose your child to toxins and pesticides. There are companies that sell a variety of baby blends and finger foods, and these companies can also create meal plans so parents can ensure their children are eating healthy.

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The author owns a baby food delivery service that prepares fresh, organic baby food using natural ingredients. Visit for more information.

James littlespoon


Little Spoon is a California based company offering the best organic baby food. We began with just one mantra in mind, ‘your baby’s food should never be older than your baby.’ We pick and choose farm fresh organic veggies and fruits.

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