
James littlespoon

Little Spoon is a California based company offering the best organic baby food. We began with just one mantra in mind, ‘your baby’s food should never be older than your baby.’ We pick and choose farm fresh organic veggies and fruits.

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How to Ensure the Quality and Safety of Baby Food

  • 14 Sep 2022
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The struggle of finding healthy meals for kids is real. When you tirelessly make purees or create ways to include vegetables, it can be frustrating when your child won’t eat what you’ve prepared. But you know the importance of nutritious food for your child’s fast-growing body and mind. You want to cook up healthy toddler meals in your time-crunched schedule. When doing what’s best for your kids’ nutrition, it’s essential to understand how to ensure the quality and safety of the food you give them.Choose Fresh IngredientsEating quality food starts with purchasing quality ingredients. It is important to look for fresh and non-GMO items,

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5 Tips to Consider When Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby

  • 22 May 2022
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Most parents start their babies on solid food between the ages of four and six months old. Many first-time mothers dread the day when they’ll have to introduce their babies to solid foods. There are so many questions to address before taking this leap. For example, how much do you know about baby food? Is your baby a fussy eater? What will you do if your baby isn’t getting essential nutrients? These questions swirl around in mothers’ heads and stress them out, as mothers are usually doing most of the childcare. Here are five tips to consider when starting your

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6 Common Kids-Related Food Myths (Busted)

  • 23 Mar 2022
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Our eating habits are often influenced by our culture, traditions, family, peers, and meal patterns. And since we have access to so many different kinds of foods—along with lots of information on food safety—we may tend to put a lot of faith in food myths that may alter our eating habits. If you want your children to have healthy meals for kids, you may wonder what’s good and what isn’t. Below we debunk six common kids-related food myths: Myth 1: Picky Eaters Deserve Special Meals Never make short-order meals! You can serve food buffet-style and offer various nutritious foods. Introduce new foods

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Top 5 Healthy Meals Your Toddler Will Devour

  • 03 Dec 2021
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Toddlers are sometimes less than enthusiastic about mealtime, and choosing a meal to delight their taste buds and give them the nutrients they need is an uphill task. But we have to encourage our little ones to try varieties of foods to make them good eaters for life. Introducing them to kid-friendly meals is a great way to start the habit of healthy eating. You’ll soon notice that they grow to love the foods that are also good for them. But what are the natural healthy meals you can prepare, or where can you get them for affordable prices?Here are

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6 Reasons Your Child Refuses to Eat

  • 19 Oct 2021
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Preparing healthy meals for kids is a challenging task, and it can be frustrating when your child refuses to eat the food. So how do you make your child understand the importance of nutrition and make them eat foods you know are good for them? Knowing what they prefer and why they don’t eat food will help you resolve this issue strategically. The following are the six reasons why your child may not be eating well. Your Child Feels Pressure When you try to force your children to eat, they’re likely to feel pressure and refuse to eat. Some signs that

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