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5 Mistakes that may jeopardize your Worker’s Compensation Claim

Thousands of employees file a worker’s compensation claim in the U.S every year, and a large number of claims are outright rejected. Apparently, several claims are unfounded, and the remaining are not accompanied by complete information or appropriate documentation. According to Personal Injury Attorney in Raleigh, NC, many employees with legitimate work injuries or illnesses are denied only because they fail to comply with the requirements of the legal system. Consulting a worker’s compensation lawyer before filing a claim or lawsuit is the only way to guarantee a successful outcome. Avoid making these mistakes if you wish to acquire the financial compensation you deserve:

1.      Delaying the Claiming Procedure

When an employee encounters an injury at work or starts to experience symptoms of an illness, he/she should inform the employer or supervisor as soon as possible. In most states, the allotted time period is about 90 days, which may or may not be effective for every kind of health condition. Therefore, it is smart to take immediate action and report the incident in written form.

Make a copy of the document, so you have solid evidence to later prove that your boss was aware of the situation. Moreover, the Worker’s Compensation Act will negate your right to sue if you do not appeal to law within two years after being affected.

2.      Not following up on Medical Treatment

Once you file for a worker’s compensation claim, you are under investigation by law enforcement, your employer, and the insurance company involved. You might be receiving treatment from a medical institution listed in your job contract, so you have to stay true to your testimonials.

Missing scheduled visits to the doctor will make you look suspicious and irresponsible. The official and non-official observers will get the impression that you are lying about your condition or it is not as serious as you say.

3.      Vague Description of Symptoms

It is extremely important to be transparent when you meet with a physician or healthcare expert. Do not hesitate or feel ashamed of mentioning any minor details. Several symptoms that appear faint or superfluous can be an indication of deeper issues. Whether it’s sporadic numbness in the fingertips or negligible throbbing in the forehead, make sure to mention it during your medical examination.

4.      Not securing Evidence

Your employer and the insurance company in question will strive to negate your claim and save their money. They will repeatedly challenge you in court; hence, being resourceful shall help you dodge their malicious tricks and games. You must build a strong case by gathering all possible proof of the accident/hazardous practices at work, and their effects on your health. Workplace photos, medical reports, and witnesses will strengthen your claim. You should also hold onto to all receipts obtained for medical treatment associated with the workplace injury.

5. Refusing Professional Help

The criteria to qualify for a compensation claim varies from workplace to workplace and from one profession to another. Some cases are straightforward and employers are cooperative, so the matter does not need to be taken to court. Other times, the situation can be complicated and resolving them requires the input of a professional lawyer.

If it is your first time reporting a workplace injury or claiming compensation, it is best to consult an experienced personal injury attorney. This is necessary to obtain adequate reimbursement for your loss and be able to provide for your family in the future. 

Joseph Franks


John Adams is a lifestyle blogger who loves to travel and share his life experiences. He encourages readers to improve their quality of life by incorporating positive thoughts and actions. He is a health & fitness enthusiast, and contributes to vario

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