
Joseph Franks

John Adams is a lifestyle blogger who loves to travel and share his life experiences. He encourages readers to improve their quality of life by incorporating positive thoughts and actions. He is a health & fitness enthusiast, and contributes to vario

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5 Things to Consider before Moving your Business to the U.S

  • 11 Aug 2021
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Running your own business can be ‘a dream come true’, but success does not come easy. The challenges multiply when you set up your venture in a foreign country. Five out of ten startups fail to keep the lights on beyond 4 years; also, 3 out of 12 entrepreneurs give up by the end of their first year. Will your company be among the 25% that make it past 5 years? Can you make a name for yourself that persists for decades or perhaps centuries? Ask yourself the following questions before you step foot in the U.S market:1. Why have you chosen to establish your business in the

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How can upcoming Entrepreneurs benefit from Hiring a Business Attorney?

  • 18 Jul 2021
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Starting a business from scratch and launching your own startup is a big deal. It is a life changing step – it can be good, bad, or a bit of both. You might know a thing or two about running a company if you grew up amidst business owners. Watching parents trade and negotiate from an early age definitely provides some insight; even better if you earned a degree in business studies. If you don’t possess any of those advantages, the journey is going to be tougher for you. In any case, business law might not be something you know head to toe (or at all), and

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Anesthesia Errors and Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

  • 14 Jul 2021
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Anesthesia is a chemical substance that induces temporary loss of awareness or sensation, i.e. it can turn off consciousness in a controlled and reversible manner. This astounding property of anesthesia is what makes it such an integral tool to the healthcare system. Millions of surgeries and similar invasive medical procedures are performed with the aid of this substance, which could otherwise not be executed. Medical science has evolved and advanced impressively within the last hundred years; today there are cures and vaccines for many life threating diseases, as well so many options to improve quality of life if you are old and/or disabled. Medicine and hospital equipment has

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Common Misconceptions about Wrongful Termination

  • 13 Jul 2021
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If you recently and unexpectedly lost your job, you are probably frustrated and a little bit angry. On the contrary, if this termination was not at all surprising, you might be onto something. Most states in the U.S, including California, are at-will states – this means that employers have the right to lay off workers without giving any reason or justification. However, if the employment contract states that your employer cannot fire without cause, then that is a different story. Either way, you may not be able to determine if you should make peace or fight back. Discuss your situation with a professional, such as Employment Law Attorney in

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Revocable vs. Irrevocable Living Trust – Which is Right for You?

  • 04 Jul 2021
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Creating a comprehensive estate plan can seem like a daunting task that comes with several tough decisions, yet it is totally worth your time and money. Establishing a trust can make management of your estate convenient while you are alive and save your loved ones from the hardships of probate following your death. Revocable and irrevocable trusts are far more superior to a last will, as they not make your wishes known, but also ensure that they are carried out. What is a Revocable Trust?Revocable trusts can be updated, altered, and dissolved at any given time, while the creator is well (mentally sound) and alive. This kind of

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