Travel & Leisure > Best Places

Travelling in Meghalaya: what to expect
Unsh Maria 28 Jun 2021 4 min read

Finally! you've decided to step into the Abode of Clouds:  Meghalaya; with an abundance of tree houses pristine rivers and villages, mighty mountains with panoramic views, culture and

Mt. Kailash's Legend Stories
Catherine zhang 06 May 2021 4 min read

@Jayden Smith @LorcaMany travelers back from Mount Kailash tours told that they got mysterious experiences and ethereal feelings, such as when viewing the incredible shimmery lights.As the

The Sakyamuni Buddha Statue in Jokhang Temple
Catherine zhang 06 Apr 2021 5 min read

@catherine Housed in the central Buddha Hall, the seated Jowo Rinpoche is 1.5 meters high, has a vivid shape and a peaceful expression, holding a bowl in

Top Travel Destinations for People Who Love Animals
Monica Planas 05 Apr 2021 5 min read

Are you crazy about the animal kingdom or just an adventurer? If you love animals and travel, then this article is for you. This list