Business > Legal & Law

Few Commonly-Used Objections in a Criminal Court
Julie N 10 Oct 2022 4 min read

It is common to see criminal lawyers in Delhi or other courts across India stand up during criminal proceedings and trials and make objections of

3 Tips for Successfully Getting a Live Scan Fingerprinting for Your Child
fingerprinting usa 06 Oct 2022 4 min read

In the modern world, parents are no longer willing to give up their freedom and leave their kids with a babysitter just to go out

PageLightPrime releases Microsoft Word integration with Law Firm DMS
PageLightPrime Solutions 15 Sep 2022 4 min read

Benefits of the integration is that users can access DMS repository without switching between applications.  Tool bar is now added to Microsoft Word and Outlook to save

How to deal with a Breach of Contract?
Daniel Forman 09 Sep 2022 4 min read

Wherever rules exist, someone will violate them at some point. Breach of contracts happen for the same reason, though you can mitigate damages by initiating the right

How to Apply for divorce Lawyers in Chennai?
Icon legal service 05 Sep 2022 3 min read

When a marriage does not last for an extended period of time, couples frequently search online for information on how to apply for divorce Lawyers 

How Can I Locate a Family Lawyers in Chennai?
Icon legal service 02 Sep 2022 2 min read

Generally, family law contributes to the regulation, laws, and legal processes that are followed within the family. As a result, it is usual for litigation

How Can a Domestic Violence Lawyer Help in Your Case?
Icon legal service 01 Sep 2022 2 min read

Domestic violence is a serious crime, and those accused of it face serious consequences. You might be wondering what choices you have if you have

Best Criminal Case Lawyer in Chennai
Icon legal service 26 Aug 2022 1 min read

One of the Best Criminal Case Lawyer in Chennai, Icon Legal Services Advocate & Associates has extensive experience in criminal law-related matters and offers the

Hiring a Divorce Attorney Is A Good Idea Know Why?
Anuj Jain 04 Jul 2022 3 min read

When you learn of someone seeking a divorce, you usually think of the worst-case scenario – domestic abuse, one cheating on the other, or an

About Criminal Lawyer – Definition, Types, and Roles
Anuj Jain 04 Jul 2022 4 min read

What Do We Know About a Criminal Lawyer?   As the name suggests, a top rated bail advocate in india is an attorney specializing in cases related to