How-to > Health Tips

Federal Workers compensation claim and the role of DOL OWCP
chris parker 09 Aug 2022 4 min read

Here is everything to learn about worker's compensation claims and the role of DOL OWCP in making a judgment for the compensation. If you've been injured

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for Different Conditions
chris parker 27 Jul 2022 4 min read

If you wonder what physical medicine is and its purpose, this article will help you discover more ways to restore life after injuries. Physical Medicine and

What is the Neck Pain Treatment for Stiff Neck?
chris parker 08 Jul 2022 4 min read

Neck pain can get treated in many ways. First, You should consult an experienced doctor for neck pain treatment. Let’s learn more.Neck muscles can be

Why Physical Therapy for Sports Injuries?
chris parker 30 Jun 2022 5 min read

The last thing you want if you're fully committed to your sport is for an injury to prevent you from finding joy in it. Here's

What is Trichotillomania?
Kenny English 27 Jun 2022 3 min read

The obsessive, compulsive, and seemingly involuntary tugging and pulling of one’s own hair is a perplexing condition with complex solutions. With so much social attention on

Understanding Impairment Rating In Worker’s Compensation Case
richa Dsouza 24 Jun 2022 4 min read

When workers get hurt or become ill due to their job, their compensation insurance provides financial assistance while they recuperate. And one of your first

Concussion Rehabilitation After TBI
richa Dsouza 17 Jun 2022 4 min read

Concussion— traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head or any hit to the body, resulting in the head and

Concussion Specialist For TBI
richa Dsouza 08 Jun 2022 4 min read

A family physician, ER doctor, school nurse, athletic trainer, EMT, or others will refer the patient to a concussion specialist for evaluation if they suspect

When to Visit Pain Management Specialist?
chris parker 06 Jun 2022 5 min read

Humans can experience different types of pain, and there are many ways to treat them. Here’s A to Z on pain management and when to

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Post Traumatic Brain Injury
chris parker 02 Jun 2022 5 min read

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Post Traumatic Brain InjuryThere are several methods to recover from TBI, and one of the most accessible is physical therapy. Let’s