
Seeom Tyagi has built an online platform that believes in delivering on the promise of health and lifestyle information on the Internet. We offer credible information, supportive communities, and comprehensive reference material on health an

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Healthy life human

  • 29 Jul 2022
  • 0 is changing public perceptions of health and fitness by making completely objective, science-based, and simple-to-understand health and lifestyle relevant information available and accessible online. We wanted to create a site that offers dependable, accurate, and up-to-date knowledge with a realistic approach to health, fitness, nutrition, well-being, food, and other topics.Lifestyle and personal health are, in fact, totally linked aspects of human life, well-being, and survival. However, it appears that health professionals, teachers, students, ordinary people, and society at large have paid little attention to lifestyle and personal health issues.To that end, theoretical (basic) as well as practical (applied) knowledge

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