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Akhunov Muhammadamin Abduvasitovich

Candidate of Economic Sciences,

 Associate Professor of the department of Humanitarian sciences

                                                                             Turdiev Valijon, oligophrenic psychologist, monitoring department employee

Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute, Uzbekistan



Annotation. The article discusses the level of change of the role and place of today's young generation in the life of our society, which is a topical issue of the day. The question of the formation of young people's abilities in relation to their upbringing, particularly, educational psychology is analyzed. The experience of the positive results achieved in the implementation of state youth policy in our country with the help of educational psychology is shown.

                     Keywords: state youth policy, strategy of actions, educational psychology, oligophrenic pedagogy, psychology of youth periods, pedagogical psychology, genetic defects, vulnerable children, family psychology


As the result of mass measurements on political, social and economical modernization of society in our country, new Uzbekistan is being formed [1, page.1]. Located in the heart of Central Asia, Uzbekistan directly is interested in turning the region to stability region, steady development and friendly relationship with neighbors. By realizing that our country stepped into absolutely new period of development in recent years and that revolutionary changes are taking place within and foreign policy, world community is talking about «New Uzbekistan».

It sounds modern the words of Russian scientist V.D. Popov, that stated «Psychology of society is accumulated in its customs, behaviors, relation towards complex forms of work, residing, organization. That is why it is not possible to poison it from the history, from leading in society economical, political and even natural environment. And now, when we are moving towards decisively changing our psychology, we should take into consideration, who we were, how we lived and who we are now, how is our psychology. We should know that adaptation depends on ourselves.»[2,с.237.]

Decree of the president of Uzbekistan Republic on 7 February 2017 № PF-4947 «About strategy of measurements on further development Uzbekistan Republic» was issues with the aim of defining priorities of developments of all spheres of state and society and their steps of their realizations [3,p.1]. In cabinet decree «About state program for 2021 -  Support of youth and keeping health of nation» also gives great attention to education of growing generation.


The law of Uzbekistan Republic «About state youth politics», issued on 14 September 2016, foresees such measurements as improving juridical culture and activeness of youths, development of creative and intellectual potential, support and job support. Special matter is strengthening of state support of youths education. The law considers special credits for youths, business trainings, program development, signing contracts between educational institutes and employers. Moreover, important task was named searching and working with young people, their job security, paying attention to especially youths from countrysides. [4, p. 3-12]

The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed on July 5, 2017 "On increasing the effectiveness of state youth policy and supporting the activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan" has become a source of great opportunities in the life of the younger generation. [5, p. 6.].

In the new edition of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education", along with training, great attention is paid to the field of education. At the same time, the fact is especially emphasized that even great scientists have reached their heights thanks to impeccable upbringing [6, p. 1].

In his Address to the Oliy Majlis, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev said: "The development of education and upbringing, decision-making on a healthy lifestyle, the development of science and innovation should serve as the main pillars of our national idea."


We will discuss the content and essence of the "Psychology of education", its role in such a science as oligophrenopedagogy. It is safe to say that the history of psychology, the development of its sections is one of the most interesting research topics of foreign and Uzbek scientists.


Russian scientists L. Vygotsky and Petrovsky, American Gesell, modern Uzbek psychologists V. Karimova, G. Shoumarov, K. Mamedov in their scientific works have analyzed many times sections of psychology, their relationship and connection with other sciences. This allows us to express our views on the "Psychology of Education", including through new, non-standard approaches.

Let's put the theory first. In this regard, we will use the textbooks "General Psychology" under the guidance of Professor V. Karimova, the textbook "Psychology" for higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, published in 2002 by the Tashkent Publishing House named after A. Kadiri "Heritage of the People", as well as the book "Fundamentals of Oligophrenopedagogy "Published under the leadership of K. Mamedov in 1994 by the publishing house" Uchitel "in Tashkent.


As everyone knows, the word "psychology" consists of two Greek words "psaiche" - soul, spirit and "logos" - a doctrine, a science that studies in the traditional sense of the events and processes associated with the spiritual world of man. The history of this science began in the philosophical works of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.




Currently, there are the following main sections of psychology:

1. Educational psychology

2. Developmental psychology

3. Social psychology

4. Psychology of work

5. Engineering psychology

6. Legal psychology

7. Military psychology

8. Psychology of trading (or management)

9. Medical psychology

10. Special psychology (oligophrenic, deaf, typhlopsychology, etc.)


Educational psychology is one of the most advanced branches of general psychology and the educational process today cannot be imagined without psychological research. In this regard, we believe that the content of the "Psychology of Education" can be considered without deviating from the concept of "education", that is, on the one hand as a traditional and on the other hand as a separate area.

If we give the content of the direction "Psychology of education" of educational psychology from the traditional point of view, as "The study of psychological characteristics and patterns in the educational process", then the second, non-traditional, but also well-studied interpretation of "Psychology of education" is closer in content to family psychology. In other words, in the second case, we have an approximate meaning, such as "The study of psychological characteristics, the laws of family members in building relationships with each other and the foundations of upbringing in the family."

As for the essence of the Psychology of Education, it cannot be denied that education plays a key role in the development of a social personality, i.e. ours with you. At the same time, it should not be denied that education must be studied and developed through psychological research, and that this matter must be approached in a new way.

 In addition, this, as we assume, a separate area in psychology - the psychology of upbringing, is equally significant for both parties - both the pupils and (which is perhaps more important) the educators. Probably, no one will object if we approach the study of the relationship of these subjects, the forces and processes that affect them in a new way, or, as they say in a modern way, in an interactive manner.

The subject of "Psychology of Education", as a part of "Educational Psychology" will be "the study of the laws of education and human upbringing", while fulfilling the tasks set in the "National Program for Personnel Training in Uzbekistan".

I would like to continue the topic without touching on the psychological problems of general education schools, drawing attention to the role of upbringing psychology in working with children with disabilities, in particular, in the special education system (based on the experience of a psychologist at a special secondary boarding school for oligophrenic children No. 13 Andijan).

It should be noted that in the education system of mentally retarded children there is a motto "education is carried out through education" and, secondly, and most importantly, oligophrenopsychology as a science was formed mainly in the educational process and is inextricably linked with it.

Now let us consider the importance of behavior in the psychology of education and its specifics in the practical activities of teachers in our republic.

Thus, if we consider the "Psychology of education" as an independent branch, then behavior can be a key psychological sign in the upbringing of a child as a person. Direct social and biological factors also play a role in negative behavior in children. We must view the biological factor as the main force, especially in relation to mentally retarded children.

 The behavior of a healthy child is often reflected in the set of goals, interests, ideals and beliefs that he or she has set for himself. In addition to biological factors (genetic defects, trauma), changes in the behavior of mentally retarded children are associated with adolescent crises (developmental psychology). The analysis of these periods is always (separately in each case) analyzed by a particular scientist in a certain way. But for now, he obeys the laws, even if he is unique.

For example, the American scientist A. Gesell, paying special attention to the periods in the upbringing of adolescents, commented on their features:


10 years is a golden age when adolescents quickly realize a balanced life, trust, obey their parents, do not pay attention to their appearance;

11 years - a restructuring occurs in the body, children develop abnormal, negative states, their mood changes quickly, they become unhappy with their parents;

12 years old - hysterical, they develop a positive attitude towards the world, increase independence in relation to their family and sensitivity to their peers. Humor begins to grow in them - a tendency towards harmony, perseverance, initiative, attention to appearance and the opposite sex;

13 years old - a state of attentiveness, isolation in relation to one's inner world, sensitivity to self-criticism and criticism, a critical attitude towards parents, a friend, a feeling of excitement and excitement;


14 years old - introversion in adolescence is replaced by extraversion, they become bold, polite, self-confident, increase attention to others and begin to distinguish between them;

15 years - people of this age have an increased sense of independence, an increased desire to act in a group and adapt in a group;

16 years old are adolescents who develop poise, stability, propensity for behavior and aspiration for the future.

These are features in healthy children. The study of the behavior of oligophrenic children (in our case, mild dementia) is embedded in the existing educational process in the system of special education, where more attention is paid to the methods of moral, labor, aesthetic, physical education than to the requirements of training.

To understand the behavior of mentally retarded children, we need to be mindful of the psychological conditions and changes observed in students with special needs in secondary schools. In this regard, the famous psychologist V. Klein in 1991 divided young offenders into six types:


1. Mad, ignorant. Their behavior is dominated by cheerfulness, unpleasant behavior, they tend to come home late, cheat, get confused at school, go to the cinema without a ticket, constantly quarrel, disappoint others and try drugs.

2. The enemy of the parent. Adolescents in this category leave their parents in a difficult situation with their behavior and openly express dissatisfaction with them. They don't understand parenting. During this period, they develop negative feelings.


3. Immoral child. Such adolescents have an anti-social (anti-church) orientation. There are no changes in their emotional and intellectual development, and there are no obvious deviations in their behavior. They have a tendency to associate with offenders. This indicates that the child was brought up in an acceptable family. This is why children accept and abide by the norms of sexuality.

4. Organic. This category of children is characterized by brain damage or mental retardation. As a result, developmental delays lead to a violation of discipline. Such children often annoy and quarrel with their peers.


5. Psychotics. Being mentally ill, sick children, they are dominated by hallucinations, enjoyment of sexual activity, destructive thoughts.

6. Hereditary disease. Those in this category are primary psychopaths. For them, sexual behavior becomes a habit. They are much more difficult to fix and help. With hereditary disorders, behavior is manifested from an early age, they tend to associate. They have no sense of responsibility and cannot be trusted.



Now let us consider the methods of practical application of the psychology of education, which are necessary for the practical activities of the pedagogical work of specialists.

As you can see, on the basis of research and observation, we can develop the practice of applying the psychology of education. At the suggestion of some of our scientists and practicing psychologists in the country, these actions can be divided into three groups:

1. The first group - these are activities that are organized by identifying the needs of the student. The practice of helping in determining the future, the practice of telling about oneself and others, the practice of "my ideal", the practice of the "fairy", a fairy tale for schoolchildren ").

2. The second group - methods based on the organization of group activities. This category of educational activities is a "mental relay race" in which students consistently speak on a given topic one after another, complementing each other's thoughts, adding clarity (inspiring practice, practice of talking on a free topic).

3. The third group is the teacher's practice, focused on the organizational activity of students, aimed at changing the environment (teaching practice, the practice of assigning roles).


The attitude of modern foreign non-governmental and non-profit organizations (NGOs) to the psychology of education is of great importance for the practical activities of teachers in our republic.


The psychology of education as an independent branch will still develop as a result of constant scientific research. The state should pay a lot of attention to this. At the same time, it is unlikely that the topic "Psychology of education" will be fully covered today without knowledge of international psychological research, news, including the leaders of non-traditional methods - foreign non-governmental organizations. The Information Center for people with disabilities in the regional library named after Babur in the city of Andijan helped a lot in this.

This specialized fund included a large number of scientific and educational works, books, videos of foreign state and non-governmental organizations in psychology and pedagogy, often aimed at children with special needs. The psychologist of the 13th special auxiliary boarding school in Andijan made extensive use of the most modern published sources of this fund in his educational and psychological work, and also carried out various activities in cooperation with the library, with particular attention to improving the mental state of students, including the process educational psychology.


In this work, the book “If you sincerely love your child ... (advice to all parents)” by the NGO Andijan Development Center “Tarakkiyot”, published in 2003 by the Andijan Development Center and Andijan State University, was of great help. The book, based on a wellness program, is popular, written in a simple and understandable language, and is dedicated to educating young people and understanding their psychological characteristics. In particular, such issues as unconditional and sincere love for our children, acceptance of their individual "I", the desire not to repeat our mistakes in upbringing, show the attitude of the authors to our topic.


To learn about these relationships and the ideas of parenting psychology in general, let's list the "Common Parenting Mistakes":

• Dispute in front of the child about the methods of education (parents should not contradict each other);

• love according to the behavior and behavior of children (regardless of the behavior and behavior of the child, it is necessary to give them unconditional love);

• Show kindness by the nature of the property (my child, not to say that I will use the method that I want);

• Commercial attachment - allowing love;

• Desired love is a passion for love;

• Expression of love by swapping places;

• Make the child remain angry;

• Punishment by anger, bitterness or punishment;

• Inability of parents to control their anger;

• Failure to distinguish between the natural behavior of the child - actions and voluntary behavior;

• Confusion in teaching discipline and punishment;

• Inappropriate behavior of the child - recognition of his actions and punishment, even if he regrets it;

• Raising a child on the right and wrong opinion of others;

• Always fulfill the various wishes of the child;

• False threats - abuse of threats;

• Oppress the child with profanity about the person;

• Parents do not occupy a constant relationship with the child;

• Parents do not change the criteria for the child;

• Communication with the child according to the mood;

• Comparing children to each other.


In conclusion, we note that the psychology of upbringing, which is a part of educational psychology, is a very extensive, multifaceted topic that has not yet been fully disclosed. In this article, we examined the resources existing from our point of view in psychological work in order to understand, comprehend and apply in our future teaching activities.


In short, today Uzbekistan is developing rapidly. Following the wise traditions of our ancestors, with a deep understanding of our values, we are carrying out radical reforms, we are following the path of forming a new image of our country. The implementation of the state youth policy is yielding positive results and the modern young generation is experiencing a renewed worldview and a desire for creativity.

 The economic, social and political activity of young people is growing in our society, a new national system is being created in the youth policy of our state on the basis of national standards. Deep reforms are being carried out in all spheres in the country. Their goal is to build a democratic state and a just society, in which the implementation of a simple and clear principle "human interests prevail over everything else."
























1.    Speech by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. The newspaper "Narodnoye Slovo". No. 202, September 24, 2020.


2.    Popov VD, Psychology and economics. M., "Soviet Russia", 1989.



3.    Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-4947 dated February 7, 2017 "On the Strategy of Actions for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan". The newspaper "Narodnoye Slovo". No. 28, 2017, February 8.


4. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On State Youth Policy" dated September 14, 2016. Collected Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2016, No. 37.

5. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-5106 "On increasing the effectiveness of state youth policy and supporting the activities of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan" was signed on July 5, 2017. Collected Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, July 5, 2017, No. 27.

6. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" in the new edition. The newspaper "Narodnoye Slovo". No. 202, September 24, 2020.

7. Karimova V. "Psychology", a textbook for higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, Tashkent, Publishing House "National Heritage" named after A. Kadyri, 2002.

8. Mamedov K. et al., "Fundamentals of oligophrenopedagogy", Tashkent, Publishing House "Uchitel", 1994.

9. UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Inclusive Education Teachers' Guide.

10. Catalog of information resources on disability issues of the Andijan Information Resource Center named after ZM Babur.

11. Ross Campbell, Ted Elder, A. Sobirov, If you sincerely love your child ... (advice to all parents), Tashkent, Publishing House Shark, 2003.

12. Akhunov M. The human factor - the leading force and goal of socio-economic development.
















Author 1

Author 1

Full name of author

Akhunov Mukhammadamin





Status (academic degree, academic title, position; student, undergraduate, postgraduate student)

PhD in Economics,

Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities

Andijan Machine-Building Institute

The Republic of Uzbekistan


oligophrenic psychologist,

monitoring department employee

Andijan Machine-Building


 The Republic of Uzbekistan


Name of work place (institution)

Andijan Machine-Building


The Republic of Uzbekistan

Andijan Machine-



The Republic of


Contact number




[email protected]

Name of article

Youth problems and psychology of education in Uzbekistan

Number and section name

6. Formation of a fully functioning personality.

Scientific adviser: academic degree, academic title, position, full name

Muftaydinov Kiyomiddin: Doctor of Economics, Professor.



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