Avneet Singh (2)
I love traveling and exploring new places. As an SEO Executive at Brevistay, I am working to improve the online presence and website ranking of Brevistay.
If you are a budding startup owner based in India, you might face this problem often. You might feel like your work is going on smoothly but your cash flow towards the employees remains high. If you try to cut down on the costs you’re paying your employees the quality of your work will get compromised. This is a tricky position for a startup owner to be.
The more the number of full-time employees you hire the more cash you are going to burn to run the company. This will lead to only two situations. One, you are just going to keep the company afloat without making any profits, or in the second situation, you are going to be running your company at a loss.
Both these situations are not ideal for a business. When it comes to full-time employees certain things make the cash burn more. Ideally, a business operates based on profit, loss, and competition meaning that any worker in your company should be paid based on the contributions they bring in to the company.
 But for a full-time employee even if their contributions aren’t adding any considerable value to the company they are a lot of extras you need to provide. These extras include PF fund, paid vacations, medical leave, and such.
But the market and the competition simply don’t care about any of these, the only way you stay competitive in the market is by generating profits. In this scenario, you will feel like your business is working but not working. To address this solution there is only one possible solution that is employing freelancers.
Unlike full-time employees, freelancers are paid only based on the contributions they make. Their value is based only on the value they add to your business. Also employing a freelancer means you are cut off from the burden of providing paid vacations, PF funds, additional insurance, etc. This will save the cash burn which doesn't bring any value to the business.
Today there are hundreds of thousands of freelancers in the world providing their services in various domains such as content writing, web/app development, video editing, marketing, sales, finance, cloud services, etc. It is easy to go to an online platform and find a freelancer and get your job done.
Today it is far better to reduce the number of full-time employees in a company and delegate work to professional freelancers. If you’re a startup or business owner from India looking forward to hiring freelancers at Indian market rates you can visit the Gig4U freelance marketplace. Gig4u has free sign-up and gig posting facilities and thousands of quality freelancers from India providing their services.
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