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Which Are The Top Hotels In The United States In 2021?



Depending on the number of properties, Wyndham Group Hotels and Resorts, Choice International Group Hotels, and Marriott Group Hotels & Resorts are the leading hotels in the United States in 2021. With 6,178 sites in 51 states and territories, Wyndham Group Hotels and Resorts has most locations. In the United States, Choice International Group Hotels has 5,657 sites while Marriott Group Hotels & Resorts has 5,571. These three hotels account for 47.49% of the top ten hotels in the United States.

Bar Chart Of Top 10 Hotels In The United States In 2021


ProviderNumber of locationsNumber of states and territoriesNumber of cities
Wyndham Group Hotels and Resorts6178512337
Choice International Group Hotels5657512294
Marriott Group Hotels & Resorts5571511539
Hilton Group Hotels & Resorts5451531907
IHG Group Hotels & Resorts3873511906
Holiday Inn Express2266511625
Best Western Group Hotels & Resorts2157521540
Quality Inn1668501296
Super 81491491187

Which Are The Top Hotels In Every State And Territory In The United States?

Based on the number of locations, Wyndham Group Hotels and Resorts is the top hotel in 22 of the 56 states and territories in the United States. Meanwhile, Choice International Group Hotels is the best hotel in 15 states and territories, while Marriott Group Hotels & Resorts is the best in 12 states.

Hotel Maps Of Each State And Territory In The United States In 2021

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