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What Is Diabetes?

Overview- What is Diabetes? 

Diabetes Mellitus commonly referred to as Diabetes is a chronic metabolic health disorder in which blood glucose remains high due to insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas or our body’s inability to use it. Glucose is our body’s source of energy and is obtained by breaking down the food we eat, which is then released into the bloodstream. 

Glucose present in the bloodstream stimulates the pancreas to release insulin which is the hormone responsible for the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream into cells. When the pancreas is not able to make enough insulin or our cells stop responding to it, glucose from the food remains in the bloodstream causing hyperglycemia ( high glucose level in blood ) which over a long period of time can potentially damage other tissues and organs of the body. This is referred to as Diabetes.


 Types and Causes 


Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus is an autoimmune disorder wherein the immune system kills or destroys the beta cells of the pancreas responsible for insulin production. 

It is characterized by low insulin production and one has to continuously manage their blood glucose by regular administration of insulin therefore it is known as Insulin Dependent Diabetes.

 Although Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus can occur at any age, it is primarily diagnosed in children and young adults and is therefore also known as childhood-onset diabetes. 


Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is a Lifestyle induced disorder mainly caused by physical inactivity and obesity ( excess body weight ) wherein the body cannot make use of the insulin present in the bloodstream. 

It is also known as Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus or Adult-onset Diabetes and accounts for around 90% of the total diabetes cases worldwide. 

It is more common in adults but is now being increasingly frequently diagnosed in children.

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