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Ways To Make Money On Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate is probably the most popular teaching platform that trains people on the craft of starting a profitable online business.

One of the reasons for that worldwide popularity is the fact that anyone can join the platform for free.

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate welcomes members from around the globe without asking for their credit card details.

As a result, you can sign up for a Wealthy Affiliate account and begin learning about building an online business without paying anything at all.

The two main subjects Wealthy Affiliate (WA) teaches are affiliate marketing and making money online.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most common business models beginners use to earn from home.  It requires promoting products and services without creating them.

But are you aware of the fact that you can make money on the Wealthy Affiliate platform itself?

Yes, there are many ways to earn on Wealthy Affiliate, even if you have no previous working online experience.

Here they are:

1) Make Money By Creating A Niche Website

Launching a website is so common nowadays - hundreds of sites come to life on the web every single minute.

If you want your blog to have the best chances of success, it should aim at a specific niche.  In other words, the main topic of your site has to target a specific audience and solve particular problems a group of readers has.

So, choose your niche, think of a memorable domain name, and launch your website.  Fill the pages of your blog with high-quality content your readers would love.

Once your site starts getting traffic, you'll begin earning affiliate commissions from the affiliate links you'll insert into your content.

Don't worry if this whole process sounds complicated - Wealthy Affiliate will walk you through it step-by-step.

2) Once From Referrals Setting Up Their Accounts 

The second way to make money on WA is pretty simple:

Every person you introduce to the platform will become a referral of yours.  That referral will have to complete their profile at some point during their training.

As soon as your referral finishes setting up their WA account, you'll earn two credits, each paying you $0.50.

In other words, you'll earn $1 just for the account setup of your referrals.

3) Make Money With The Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program

Currently, WA has one of the most lucrative affiliate programs you can join.

Let me clarify:

Everyone who joins WA will have to choose a membership - free or premium.

You'll not earn any money from referrals that choose to keep using free accounts.  However, you'll make a lot of money from referrals who upgrade their accounts to premium.

Depending on the payment option your premium members will go for (monthly or yearly), you'll earn different amounts of money.

For example, just one Yearly Premium Upgrade will bring you over $120.

Also, the monthly premium memberships of your referrals will help you earn recurring commissions - expect around $25 per person every month.

4) Create A Training

Another way to make money on WA is by creating professional training that will teach the members different skills.

You're the one to choose the training topic, length, formatting, etc.

You have to be a premium member for at least six months before you have the opportunity to post your first training.

What do you think about all these ways to earn on Wealthy Affiliate?

Cash Embrace


An affiliate marketer, blogger, and freelance writer.

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