Business > Real Estate

Understanding the Value of Your Business

If you own a company, you’re likely aware of roughly how much profit you’re earning and how much you’re selling. You’re also surely familiar with all the investments made in terms of gear and infrastructure.

However, it’s a safe bet that, in many cases, you won’t know the _true _value of your business unless you perform a proper business valuation Long Island ventures could be particularly prone to fluctuations in value due to high competitiveness. This is a bold claim that bears elaborating upon.

The value of a business is comparable to the value of a house, despite the obvious differences. Your house could be bathed in gold and embedded with precious gemstones on every corner, but these elements by themselves are not enough to get an accurate value of the property isolated from other variables, since it doesn’t exist in a vacuum.

For example, the neighborhood’s conditions, and access to essential services like schools, hospitals, or public transportation could definitely alter the price of real estate.

The same happens in the case of businesses. Small businesses, especially, could be positively or negatively affected by the local economy, market conditions, and depreciation. For this reason, the aid of financial professionals is crucial, because they can incorporate all these metrics more accurately into their business valuations.

Long Island ventures ought to be subjected to business valuations often. The purpose of a business valuation Long Island or elsewhere is not solely reduced to a company sale (in which case, you would contact a competent business broker who would it). Let’s unpack this idea for a bit.

Purposes Of a Business Valuation Long Island

Apart from selling your business (which is the most common context in which a business valuation could take place), there is a myriad of other situations which could call for an exhaustive valuation:

* INCREASE SHAREHOLDERS: If you want to get new partners and increase the number of shareholders, it’s important that you know the true value of your company and its shares to guarantee transparency in the whole process.
* FUNDING: Companies don’t get funding based on speculations. The best way to get a sizable loan from a respected financial institution and under the best repayment conditions is by showing how much your business is _really _worth based on accurate external and internal data.
* PERSONAL ISSUES: One of the most common personal events that could prompt the need for a business valuation – believe it or not – _is a divorce filing_, in which case the judge would ask for an accurate business valuation in order to include your enterprise as an asset for the division of property. As well, other potential family problems of similar nature could raise the necessity for a business valuation.

Business Brokers and Business Valuations

Long Island business brokers would only perform these business valuations whenever there is a sale involved. If you are attempting to sell your trade, you won’t need to hire another professional to do it while the broker takes care of other aspects of the sale, for most brokers also have the necessary qualification to define the true value of your company.

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Vishal Bharucha is the President of VNB Business Brokers. He is a serial entrepreneur with an extensive background in launching, growing and selling companies.

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