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List of Pre-Abortion Medical Tests

Abortion means to end a pregnancy in its early stages through clinical intervention. Today, with the advancement in the medical world, many people have access to easy and safe abortion methods like using an MTP kit online or undergoing in-clinic/surgical abortions like suction abortion (vacuum aspiration) and dilation & evacuation (D&E). The decision of abortion and the method chosen is the personal choice of a person made by them after talking to their doctor. No one can question or criticize a parent on this decision or cause them emotional harm. 

As discussed above, all important decisions regarding abortion are taken after consulting a doctor as abortion is a very serious medical procedure and if done incorrectly it can inflict long-term harm to the reproductive system and can even endanger the life of the mother. To prevent parents from taking up any such unsafe abortion methods, the government and the concerning authorities have come up with different laws and regulations. One of which is that - you cannot buy cheap MTP kit online or from any clinic, hospital or store without producing a medical prescription for the same. A medical prescription is issued by the doctor after determining that you are fit to undergo medical abortion. In case of surgical abortions, the entire procedure is done in a doctor’s clinic which is pre-equipped with all necessities.

The following are some of the common tests and procedures that you will undergo during an abortion procedure:

  1. Ultrasound Scan - An ultrasound scan is one of the primary tests conducted during your initial visits to the doctor. As we know, medication abortion can be done only in the early stages of pregnancy - from week 5 to week 12. This period is counted from the first day of your last pregnancy. But, if a patient doesn’t remember this date, then an ultrasound can help the doctor to identify the pregnancy period, along with scanning for ectopic pregnancy. The ultrasound can be transvaginal or by using a probe.

  2. Blood Tests - Your blood can tell a lot more about your body than you can, which is why most doctors insist on taking a blood test. Blood tests are 99% accurate and can detect your pregnancy (through HCG hormones) even before you miss your pregnancy. Before abortion, a doctor will check for Rh factors (a protein on the surface of RBC), sickle cells, infections, anemia (to recommend iron supplements), to identify your blood type to arrange for transfusions, if needed.

  1. STI - Sexually transmitted infections or diseases can cause problems after abortion if not detected and treated earlier. Common STDs like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are bacterial diseases that are generally present on the vaginal opening and can enter the uterus during abortion. If not treated, they can result in Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) that can affect future pregnancies.

  1. Medical History - Before you buy MTP kit online, discuss about any medical disorders like uncontrolled seizure, kidney, liver or lung disease, condition of severe adrenal failures, past surgeries, C-section, any blood thinner or other medications that can interfere with the course of medical abortion. 


William Glory


I am William Glory working as a health consultant at

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