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ISO 45001 Documents – Requirements for Occupational, Health and Safety Management System Certification

The latest version of ISO 45001 was published in 2018, and the transition from the previous version is ahead. Records, on the other hand, are controlled by clause 4.5.4, which requires rules for records to be identifiable, properly stored, protected, retrievable, and disposed of at the end of a specified retention period.

The purpose of an OH&S management system is to provide a framework for managing OH&S risks and opportunities. The aim and intended outcomes of the OH&S management system are to prevent work-related injury and ill health to workers and to provide safe and healthy workplaces; consequently, it is critically important for the organization to eliminate hazards and minimize OH&S risks by taking effective preventive and protective measures.

Requirements of Documents for ISO 45001 Certification:

1.     ISO 45001 Manual: The ISO 45001 Manual is a mandatory document for ISO 45001 certification, which maintains Occupational, health, and safety management systems. A sample manual and each of the chapters is explained in easy to understand language. The ISO 45001 manual describes how a user can implement ISO 45001 system.

2.     ISO 45001 Procedures: ISO 45001 procedures documents required as necessary for effective planning, operation, control, and monitoring of realization processes improvements. Mandatory procedures cover all the clause requirements to follow while implementation of Occupational, health, and safety management system.

3.     ISO 45001 Exhibits: ISO 45001 exhibits documents are very useful tools that cover all the details for training the user to implement the processes and get detailed ideas for process implementation and improvement.

4.     Standard Operating Procedures: ISO SOP documents should include documents that define work instructions to link with significant aspects issues in the organization. So, the Standard Operating Procedures take care of all issues and are used as a training guide as well as to establish control and make system in the organization.

5.     ISO 45001 Formats: ISO 45001 formats documents designed and required to maintain records as well as establish control and make system in the organization. The ISO 45001 samples formats given are as a guide and not compulsory to follow and the organization is free to change the same to suit their own requirements.

6.     ISO 45001 Audit Checklist: ISO 45001 Audit Checklist documents that help you to design audit questionnaire based on ISO 45001:2018 requirements and department wise questions. It will be a very good tool for the auditors to make an audit Questionnaire/clause wise audit Questionnaire while auditing and make effectiveness.

john Smith


ISO Documents Consultant

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