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How to Keep Your WordPress Site Secure: 7 Proven Ways to Follow

As open-source software, businesses are often doubtful about WordPress security. They often ask -- Is it a secure, reliable platform? Can we use WordPress without worrying about personal data getting stolen? And so on. 

On the other hand, some people believe that website security is not a big deal. These people are at a mistake because having a secured platform makes it a more trustworthy platform. A secure website ignites trust among users and improves brand credibility. And WordPress is no different. 

As mentioned, WordPress security matters for everyone, and that is why people prefer to hire a renowned WordPress development company that can help businesses build a secure WP site in no time! 

Like others, you can also make your WordPress site a secure platform by adopting some tried and tested methods. But before delving into the reasons, let us find out why businesses should emphasize WordPress website security?

Importance of WordPress Security

WordPress is the popular content management system (CMS) compared to others. The latest study shows that WordPress is powering around 39.5% of all websites with a market share of 64%. 

Many businesses prefer WordPress because of the numerous benefits, such as thousands of themes, plugins availability, flexibility, performance, etc. But, you know what? Good things do not come easy in life.  

And same is the case with WordPress security. Like other platforms, WordPress also comes with higher chances of being hacked. Whether your business is small or big, it does not matter to hackers because they keep keen eyes on online websites. 


Well, do not fret! You can easily avoid the risk of getting your WordPress site hacked by following some basic yet crucial things in mind! 

That is where WordPress security tips and tricks come into the picture!

7 Proven Ways to Follow for a WordPress Security

  • Set Unique Username and Strong Password

It might sound cliche yet surprising to you, but setting a strong password or having a unique username is the easiest way to secure your WordPress site.  

If your password is too easy or your username does not default, it becomes easy for hackers to hack your WordPress site. 

Have a unique username and a strong password for your WordPress account. Try keeping the mix of Uppercase, lowercase, special characters, numbers during the password formation. Also, keep changing your WP site password to keep your website away from hackers. 

  • Use Two-Factor Authentication

Sometimes keeping a strong password or unique username is not enough. You (as a WP site owner) must leverage two-factor authentication (2FA) to keep the WordPress site more secure and safe. Two-factor authentication allows you 

to add an extra layer of security by enabling two different login factors. 

The first layer of security is keeping a strong password for your WP site, and the second layer includes different facets such as a one-time password (OTP), a text message, or a phone call on your mobile device. 

With 2FA, it becomes impossible for hackers to hack the WordPress site. So, use two-factor authentication and secure your WP site right away!

  • Choose a Secure WordPress Hosting

Choosing WordPress hosting for security reasons is not a bad option at all. If you have a shortfall in technical skills, you can hire a reliable hosting company to make your WordPress platform more secure and have smooth running. 

A secure WP hosting benefits the site owner in many ways, such as:

  1. It improves the website performance

  2. Gives an outstanding technical support

  3. Enhances the website security

  4. And, it makes your WP site highly reliable

Some of the best WordPress hostings are Bluehost, SiteGround, GreenGeeks, WPEngine, DreamHost, etc. 

  • Ensure Regular Backup

With a WordPress site backup, you can enjoy a peaceful sleep because you know that all your stored data in WordPress is protected.

Make sure that you maintain a backup of your WordPress site regularly. If anything wrong happens or your WordPress site gets hacked, having a backup will save you from a lot of trouble.

Some of the backup plugins for WP that you can use are:

  1. UpdraftPlus

  2. VaultPress

  3. BackupBuddy and so on

  • Leverage Reliable Security Plugins

According to Comparitech, Google data revealed that in 2020, around 600-800 websites have a virus. And this type of security violation often leads to business loss. 

To avoid security breaches, the site owner can use reliable security plugins. With robust security plugins, you can prevent your data from being exposed, and the hackers will not be able to hack your site.

Follow the listed below reliable security plugins and save your WP site now.

  1. Sucuri

  2. Wordfence

  3. Jetpack

  4. WPScan

  5. Anti-Malware Security, and so on.

  • Move Your WP Site to SSL/HTTPS

One of the most prominent ways to secure your WordPress security is to move your WordPress to the secure sockets layer (SSL) and allow HTTPS access to your site. 

It is one of the trustworthy platforms you need to adopt to secure your WordPress site from hackers. SSL certificate delivers the encrypted communication between the server and the browser.

HTTPS and SSL go hand-in-hand, where HTTPS transfers the data and SSL encrypts the data. It minimizes the decrypted interaction between the browser and the server. 

  • Use the Updated WP Version

Lastly, always use the updated WordPress version to prevent your site from any exploitation type. The older version of WordPress might hold some viruses or glitches that can make it an easy target for hackers. 

Therefore, businesses use updated WordPress versions to resolve bugs or error issues present in the older versions. The latest version minimizes the risks and makes it a secure WP site and a better user experience. 


Being a top-most choice, WordPress has indeed done wonders to many business owners. But at the same time, WordPress is an easy target for hackers to exploit the data within seconds.

But I believe that the above-mentioned proven WP security tips, such as two-factor authentication, regular backups, strong passwords, or reliable WordPress hosting, can easily keep your WordPress away from hackers. 

Tell us your favorite way(s)from the list? And why did you like that?  

Johson Lisa


I’m a software engineer with a background in the performing arts, customer service, and an avid volunteer. I specialize in inter sectional web accessibility. Having a background in the performing arts taught me how to be quick on my feet, and creativ

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