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How to Hire Nodejs Developers?

In recent years, the Node.js platform has become increasingly popular for developing web applications. If you are looking to hire a Node.js developer, you should keep a few things in mind. Node.js is a server-side platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine). 

It is used to develop I/O intensive web applications like Video Streaming Sites, Single Page Applications, and other web applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. It is open-source, completely free, and used by thousands of developers worldwide. 

The best thing about Node js is its ability to perform many tasks simultaneously with the help of the asynchronous programming feature of JavaScript language, which provides callback functions for asynchronous events. There are three editions available of node js: LTS (Long Term Support), Current release, & Nightly build edition. You can refer to Long Term Support (LTS) for more information on Node.js releases. Node js is widely used for developing cloud-based services. 

Some of the popular cloud-based services that are built using Node js include:

  • Heroku: 

It is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) provider that enables developers to build, run and scale applications in the cloud. Heroku uses Node js extensively to power its platform and provide an enjoyable developer experience.

  • Netflix: 

It is one of the world's leading video streaming service providers with over 100 million subscribers worldwide. Netflix has built its entire streaming infrastructure on Node js, and it has been very successful.

  • Uber: 

It is a global transportation network company that operates in over 58 countries and provides ride-sharing, food delivery, etc. Uber has built its entire backend on Node js, and it has been very successful in doing so.

Many other companies like Airbnb, Walmart, PayPal, etc. that have also adopted Node js for their cloud-based services and have succeeded. Hence, it can be said that Node js is a compelling platform for developing cloud-based applications.

- Node.js has had over 1 million downloads from the npm registry.

- There are over 600,000 packages available on npm.

- The Node.js Foundation has over 190 member companies.

- Node.js is currently in its 8th major release, with Long Term Support (LTS) releases every 6 months. Node.js 10 is the latest LTS release.

First, it is essential to ensure that the developer has experience with Node.js. They should also be familiar with the JavaScript language and have a good understanding of web development concepts.

It is also essential to find a developer who is familiar with the tools and technologies used in your specific environment. For example, if you use ReactJS for your user interface, make sure the developer is familiar with it.

In addition, you should ask the developer about their experience with version control tools like Git or SVN. This will help ensure that they can work effectively in a collaborative environment.

Finally, be sure to discuss the project requirements with the developer and make sure that they are comfortable with the project's scope. This will help avoid any misunderstandings down the road.

Hiring a Nodejs developer can be a daunting task. To help make the process easier, we've created a list of questions you should ask your potential developers during the hiring process.

Hiring process questions:

  • How would you describe Nodejs?

  • What are some of the pros and cons of using Node?

  • What is REPL? How do REPL commands work?

  • Do you have experience with JavaScript frameworks other than AngularJS, ReactJS, or VueJS?

  • Have you worked on any projects that are relevant to my project? If so, can you walk me through your work on the project?

  • What were some of the challenges you faced, and how did you overcome them?

This helps you get an idea about their motivation for learning new things and whether or not they are invested in expanding their skillset. Alternatively, it could be that Nodejs is a good fit for the project requirements. If this is the case, find out what those requirements are and see if they match your expectations!

When searching for a great Node developer, here are some top qualities that should be kept in mind:

Solid Competency In Core Programming Languages

All good developers should have a few core programming languages under their belt (preferably with many years of experience), but when it comes to Node.js development specifically, the most important ones are JavaScript (both ES5 and ES6), HTML, and CSS.

Experience With Modern Front-End Technologies

In addition to being well-versed in core programming languages, a great Node developer should also have experience with the latest front-end technologies, such as ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, and Webpack. These technologies are quickly becoming the industry standards for web app development, so it's important that your developer is up to speed on them.

Understanding of Server-Side Development Concepts

Although Node.js is mainly used for client-side development, it can also be used for server-side development. Therefore, it's important that your Node developer has a good understanding of common server-side development concepts, such as routing, middleware, and data storage.

Passion for Technology and a willingness to learn

Like any other field, technology is constantly evolving, so it's important that your Node developer is always keeping up with the latest trends and developments. They should be passionate about technology and have a willingness to learn new things in order to stay ahead of the curve.

Good Communication Skills

Since Node development involves working with both the front-end and back-end teams, it's important that your developer has good communication skills. They should be able to effectively communicate with both teams in order to ensure that all stakeholders are kept up to date on the project's progress.

Experience With/Heroku

A great Node developer should have experience with Heroku. Since Heroku is a popular platform for hosting Node apps, it's very useful to know how it works and be able to effectively use it when developing new apps or maintaining existing ones.

Understanding of REST APIs

In addition to understanding how the main web technologies behind Node work, a great Node developer should understand how REST APIs work. This will help them better communicate with back-end teams that utilize RESTful APIs in order to get the data they need. It will also allow them to design more efficient front-end interfaces that can easily access this data without sacrificing performance.

Familiarity With CI/CD Tools (Bitbucket, Gitlab, Jenkins)

A great Node developer should also be familiar with common CI/CD tools, such as Bitbucket, Gitlab, and Jenkins. This will allow them to contribute to the overall development process by efficiently testing and deploying new code changes.

Experience With AWS

In addition to Heroku, a great Node developer should also have experience with Amazon Web Services (AWS). This will give them the ability to easily set up and manage servers for their Node applications.

Good Debugging Skills

Debugging is an essential skill for any developer, but it's especially important for Node developers. Since Node apps are often composed of multiple smaller modules, it can be tricky to track down errors and fix them. A great Node developer should be able to effectively debug their code and fix any errors that may arise.

Understanding of Web Security (XSS, CSRF, etc.)

Although Node apps are typically less vulnerable to security breaches than other types of apps due to the way they're designed , it's still important for Node developers to understand the most common web security vulnerabilities in order to ensure they don't introduce these vulnerabilities in their code. 

Familiarity With Marketplaces

The NPM is the largest software registry in the world, so it's crucial for all Node developers to have a strong understanding of how it works. A great example of this is familiarity with marketplaces such as NPM or npm hub. They should also be aware of services such as Tidelift, which help manage and secure software dependencies.

The above are just some of the skills that a great Node developer should have. If you're looking for someone to develop your next Node-based project, make sure to keep these things in mind.

Cost of a good developer:

It is a very well known fact that software development is considered a rather pricey affair. More often than not, consumers perceive high prices as automatically being indicative of top quality products, forgetting however that sometimes you really don't get what you pay for. In the long run, extensive expenditure on maintenance and bug fixing can actually decrease overall productivity as much as boosting it would have by spending less money initially on more sensible solutions.

The cost of a developer is largely dependent on their skillset, experience and location. Developers in countries like the US, UK and Canada tend to earn more than their counterparts in Eastern Europe, India or China. Furthermore, junior developers will generally earn less than senior developers with the same skills and experience.

In short, yes! A well-trained, experienced developer can be a valuable asset to any organization and can help increase overall productivity and efficiency. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to invest in a good developer is up to you. But remember, you get what you pay for!

If you're looking to hire Nodejs developers be sure to keep these questions in mind! They will help you better understand the developer's experience and thought processes. This will come in handy during your project as you'll be able to communicate better with them and know what to expect from them. Additionally, it will also help you figure out if there is anything they might need help with or any suggestions on how to improve the project. 

QSS Technosoft is a team of passionate full-stack developers who are well versed in various web technologies. We believe in the Agile methodology and we already have a pool of skilled full-stack developers who can work with you on this paradigm. Here are some advantages that we think will help you hire us:

  • We always start our projects by understanding your business and designing accordingly. We do not go for any pre-designed templates as they can never match your needs precisely.

  • We offer flexibility to our clients to choose from various technologies according to their needs & requirement. At QSS Technosoft, you get to define the technology roadmap for your project which is solely dependent on the growth of your business. Our professionals ensure that there is no compromise with quality at any stage of development.

Good luck!

Sanjay Pandey


Experienced technology professional, having worked with multiple service and product based technology giants. Have more than 15 years of experience working with multiple web and mobile-based technologies. Over last 8 years of entrepreneurial journey.

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