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How I Started Reading Books

Hey Readers, I hope you all are doing great. You are here, so it means you have reading habits or are trying to make some. So, ” Have you ever read any book completely?” If your answer is Yes! Then maybe you don’t know, but you are fantastic. Because completing a book is one step towards better knowledge and ideas. But If your answer is No, then also fine. At least you are on this blog, trying to find a reason to read a book. In this blog, I would talk about my experience of starting to read books. I have read dozens of books since my college life. I wasn’t a reader in my school life as I used to get bored after reading even one or two pages of any book. But, what happened in college that I started reading books and, most importantly, enjoyed reading them.

How I Started Reading Books

How I Started Reading Books
How I Started Reading Books

My reading journey started in my college life. When I was in the second year of my graduation, one of my friends purchased a book, ” Rich Dad Poor Dad.” You would have heard about this book. It is one of the most common books every business-minded teenager would love to read. He told me that this book is impressive and I must read it once as I had a habit of procrastinating my work. So, I told him that I would read it later.

One day, when I was getting bored as the internet connection of our hostel was under maintenance. So, I went to his room and asked for the book to read. I thought that I would read it for a couple of minutes and when the internet comes back, I will return the book. The best part of that book was that it had a story format of how his friend’s dad ( Rich Dad) and his dad ( Poor Dad) have different views on money-making and life.

When I was reading the book, I was so curious that I kept on reading it. I read it half and then my friend came to my room to ask me whether I liked the book or not. I told him that the book was excellent and would return him only after reading it. Then, I finished it in some 3-4 days and returned him. So, that was how I successfully finished reading the first book in my life. One lesson that you could learn from this story is, ” Read books that can increase your curiosity to turn the next page.”

After reading it, I wondered if one book could teach me so much about money and how different people have different perspectives on money. I then started researching about books that could help me improve my knowledge & build a good character. I purchased some books and started a habit of reading at least one page ( or maybe one chapter, if possible) a day. There are some books that I haven’t finished, but I don’t feel any regret about it anymore. Suppose you are just like me, who don’t complete a book and then regret it.

I would suggest you to move on and try some other book. Sometimes, it’s ok to quit and move on than to regret things and do nothing. Switching to another book before completing the previous one is fine. Maybe that book wasn’t capable enough to gain your attention. Think it like that and move to the next book. If you think a book was great, you could also read it multiple times; maybe you had missed some points previously. You should first make a habit of reading by reading any book, and after it becomes your habit, you could switch to other informative books.

How To Choose A Perfect Book For Yourself

how to choose the right book for you
How To Choose A Perfect Book For Yourself

If you want to start reading a book and wonder which book you must read. I would explain you which book would be best for you to read. There are some questions you need to ask yourself to select a book to read.

Q1. What kind of things make me feel good?
Ask yourself this question, for example, if you like mysterious things, then you could read those books first which are of that genre. If you love a particular subject, then you should try reading that book. It helps you to take the initiative for reading.

Q2. Whether the selected book is worth reading?
If you have decided what books fit in your genre, you should check the rating of all of them and then read the best book among them. You could also take advice from someone who has already read that book. Because if the first book you are reading is boring, then there is a high possibility that you would not read another book.

Q3. What’s my reason for reading?
It’s the most important question that we all must ask ourselves. Your reason could be anything, whether it’s for improving your communication skills or getting information. Different people have their different reason. Find your reason and then start reading.

Points To Remember While Reading A Book

how to read and understand effectively
Points To Remember While Reading A Book
  1. Set A Time Limit: Try setting a time limit to finish a specific chapter or unit. Always try to finish the unit within the time limit and avoid exceeding it.
  2. Make Notes: Have a notebook and a pen aside while reading any book. Write all the new words or points that are important & new to you. It will help you to improve your vocabulary and your knowledge.
  3. Take Help Of The Internet: You can take the help of the internet to understand complex points. Read it again and again or search on the internet or translate it to your native language to understand it better.
  4. Move On To Next Page: Do not feel upset if you do not understand anything. Turn the next page and continue reading. It’s ok to skip a part than skipping the whole book.
  5. Imagine The Story In Mind: Try to visualize all the characters or events in your mind. It would help you to understand it better.

We must remember these points while reading a book to get the maximum information from it.

I hope this blog would have helped you understand how to start reading a book and how we must choose a book to read.

Have a look on our other blogs: Habits Are Investment In Future Goals

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