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How do water soluble anticaking agents work?

Water-soluble anti-caking agent and preparation method


The invention concerns a water-soluble anti-caking substance and its manufacturing method. 10 to 50 percent water-soluble polymer, 5 to 20% surface active agent, 10 to 20% low-carbon alcohol, and 10 to 75 percent water; the preparation method includes adding water to a reaction kettle with agitating blades and a heating device, and heating to 35 to 40 degrees Celsius; adding the surface active agent; and adding the low-carbon alcohol.

Chemical fertilizers, whether powdery or granular, can lump and lose flow ability under certain conditions, and this phenomenon is known as fertiliser caking. Fertilizer caking mainly occurs during storage, loading and unloading, and material transportation. Fertilizer caking is caused by causes such as moisture exchange, salinity dissolving recrystallize, generation salt bridge, and fertiliser caking. Fertilizer caking not only affects the outward look of chemical fertiliser, but it could also diminish its service efficiency. Chemical fertilisers have been developed and used to prevent blocking technology in recent years.

Oil soluble anti-hard caking agent, inertia powder anti-hard caking agent, oil-bound distemper mixing anti-hard caking agent, and a spot of water-soluble anti-hard caking agent are the most often used anti-hard caking agents for fertiliser nowadays.

It's a type of water-soluble anti-hard caking agent that has the following properties: Each substance by mass percentage, water-soluble polymer: 1050 percent, tension-active agent: 5-20 percent, low-carbon alcohol: 10-20 percent, water: 10-75 percent.

The ideal form and proportioning for the water-soluble anti-hard caking agent of the present invention is as follows, each material by mass percentage: water-soluble polymer: 30-40%, tension-active agent: 10-20%, low-carbon alcohol: 10-20%, water: 20-50%.


In SE, a water-soluble polymer is defined as a type of or a mixture of more than two types.


 What is Anticaking Agent for Water Soluble Fertilizers



Fertilizers that dissolve in water and can be easily added to or leached out of the soil are known as water soluble fertilisers. It's simple to control the precise amount of nutrients accessible to your plants with water soluble fertilisers.


The nutrient nitrogen is the most important. It regulates the mechanisms that produce proteins that are essential for the formation of fresh protoplasm in cells. Nitrogen is required for chlorophyll formation and is also responsible for leaf growth and overall size.

Phosphorus is required for photosynthesis and serves as an energy transfer mechanism within the plant. Phosphorus is linked to overall vigour and is most abundant during germination, seedling development, and flowering


           Method of Water-soluble anti-caking agent

30 parts water, 20 parts Virahols, 5 parts maleic acid di-sec-octyl sodium sulfonates, 5 parts n-Octanol Soxylat are the ingredients for a water-soluble anti-caking agent. 25 parts Vinylpyrrolidone polymers, 15 parts hydrolyzed polymaleic anhydrides, 25-7 carboxylic acid sodium The water-soluble anti-caking agent is made by mixing 5 parts maleic acid di-sec-octyl sodium sulfonates, 5 parts and 20 parts Virahols of n-Octanol Soxylat in a reaction kettle with a stirring arm and a heating device. When 30 parts of water are heated to 35-40 degrees Celsius, a 25-7 carboxylic acid sodium is formed; Heat while stirring; When the temperature reaches 60 degrees Celsius; 15 parts Vinylpyrrolidone polymers, 25 parts Vinylpyrrolidone polymers. thereby realizes the purpose of anti-caking.Adopt the way of oil, powder coating to compare with tradition, consumption is few, and effect is better; Importantly water-soluble anti-caking agent

Water-soluble anti-caking agent prescription: 40 parts water, 10 parts ethanol, 10 parts dodecyl AEOs, 30 parts Vinylpyrrolidone polymers, 10 parts polymethyl acrylic acid; Water-soluble anti-caking agent preparation method:

The anti-hard caking agent that the present invention produced does not receive fertilizer grain diameter influence, is not only applicable to common composite fertilizer, and powdered fertilizer is had good preventing blocking effect.

The anti-hard caking agent that the present invention produced has extraordinary wetting ability, does not influence the water-soluble of chemical fertilizer, and is pollution-free; The chemical fertilizer of tradition oil-bound distemper coating in use can produce oil slick and floating dust, is difficult for degraded in natural condition, causes environmental pollution.


     List of Water-soluble anti-caking agent

·         Aluminium calcium silicate

·         Aluminium silicate  (E559)                                 

·         Mennonite (E558)

·         Bone phosphate (E542)

·         Calcium alumina silicate (E556)

·         Calcium Ferro cyanide (E538)

·         Calcium silicate (E552)

·         Hydrated sodium calcium silicon aluminate

·         Magnesium silicate

·         Magnesium tri silicate (E553a)

·         Poly dimethyl Sloane (E900)

·         Potassium aluminium silicate (E555)

·         Potassium Ferro cyanide (E536)

·         Silicon dioxide (E551)

·         Sodium alumina silicate (E554)

·         Sodium bicarbonate (E500)

·         Sodium calcium alumina silicate

·         Sodium Ferro cyanide (E535)

·         Sodium silicate (E550)

·         Stearic acid (E570)

·         Tri calcium silicate

·         Talcum powder (E553b)

·         Tri calcium Phosphate  (E341)


·      Other common water soluble anti-caking agents includes

·         Silicon dioxide, calcium silicate, iron ammonium citrate, and yellow prostate of soda are all common anti-caking agents. Because of their names, certain anti-caking compounds have recently been causing worry. Because the chemical compound contains cyanide, a known toxin and a popular Hollywood poison, sodium and potassium Ferro cyanide are dreaded. Regular table salt, on the other hand, may be regarded to be the same. Salt is made up of chloride (a poison) and sodium (also a toxin). The bonds of sodium chloride and Ferro cyanide can break in acidic environments, but stomach acid isn't strong enough to cause these reactions. Another issue is aluminum, which is utilized in anti-caking treatments. salt, dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals, dry milk, egg mixes, sugar goods, coffee mixes, flours, and so on Road salt, fertilizers, cosmetics, and detergents all include anticaking ingredients.

·         How do  water soluble anticaking agents work?

Some anti-caking chemicals Anticaking Agent For Water Soluble Fertilizers

are soluble in water, whereas others are soluble in alcohol or solvents. Anticaking agents work by absorbing excess moisture or making particles resistant to water. Anticaking chemicals help prevent clumping by absorbing excess moisture or coating particles to make them more water repellent. These chemicals, when used in modest amounts, prevent dry foods from adhering together, ensuring that the product remains dry and free-flowing.

Anticaking Agents are found in small levels in powders and other foods such as table salt, spices, milk powder, flour, sugar, and a variety of other pantry staples. Anti-caking compounds are often employed in flour, but they also have other uses. Non-food items such as "road salt, fertilizers, cosmetics, synthetic detergents, and other comparable applications," for example, commonly use anticaking chemicals. When they're in use, they allow a wide range of items to freely flow. They are frequently found in items that are prone to clumping, such as sugar or wheat. These common materials frequently crystallize, resulting in solid blocks that do not pour evenly and are difficult to blend.

Fertilizer conditioning treatments can be used to prevent caking, increasing the product's value and making it safer to handle. Fertilizer manufacturers can use an anti-caking chemical with appropriate surface active agents as an external treatment to disrupt typical fertiliser caking mechanisms. These coatings are frequently developed with various ingredients that help to prevent the production of dust, which can lead to crystal bridging and caking if there is too much of it.


Anti-caking agents for fertilisers should:

1.Ensure effective and long-lasting caking control.

2.In a typical business, dry fertiliser should be quite straightforward to apply.

3.Be created using ingredients that are safe to use in the facilities where they are used, as well as for all downstream uses and applications, such as agriculture.

4.Not jeopardise the ability of the treated fertiliser to meet applicable regulatory requirements

5.Increase the marketability of the treated fertiliser use your money wisely.

Use of anti-caking agents in fertilisers and insecticides is critical.

Anti-caking agents are additives used in the fertiliser and pesticide industries to prevent lump formation. It's also to make pesticide and fertilizer packaging and delivery more efficient.

In granulated fertilizers, anticaking chemicals give a superior solution for moisture adsorption, nitrogen loss, and caking. Surface tension modifiers, strong surfactants, crystal habit modifiers, and parting agents are also included, all of which are soluble in alcohol, water, and other organic solvents.

The granular quality of fertilizer can be preserved with effective and high-performance liquid coatings.  Make the granular surface water resistant, reducing the rate of moisture absorption by the granules. They prevent caking under humid conditions while retaining the product's granule structure and allowing it to flow freely.

During storage, most fertilizers and insecticides tend to form lumps or agglomerates. The production of salt bridges and/or capillary adhesion is thought to be the most common causes of caking in products. Chemical composition, moisture content, particle structure, mechanical strength, hygroscopic characteristics, product temperature, ambient circumstances, storage period, and storage pressure can all influence the severity of  anticaking agent for water soluble fertilizer













nik john


Granular fertilizer has a very beneficial effect on plant growth, by regulated release of nutrients, by avoiding washing away of fertilizer salts, and by making NPK application uniform. Poor storage conditions and long storage without conditioning re

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