Family & Home > Senior Living

How Assisted Living Communities Help Maintain an Active Social Life

An active, social lifestyle is good for the body and mind, and it promotes longevity. Physically active seniors have lower rates of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and some cancers. A 2008 study by the Harvard School of Public Health, found evidence that older adults in the U.S. who have an active social life may have a slower rate of memory decline.

Each assisted living community is different and has its own personality.  This will be based on its residents, who can be more diverse than you can imagine – they may be retired doctors, lawyers, homemakers, plumbers or teachers.  A certain culture is formed as the community takes shape, which will dictate what type of activities are offered.

In addition to swimming pools, golf courses, tennis courts and health clubs, you may be able to participate in many other activities which make life more enjoyable. It’s a great idea to participate in a new activity as often as possible – you never know what hidden talents or interests lie beneath! 

Your community might offer, or you may want to organize some of the following activities:

  • Daily hikes on nearby trails. Wear comfortable shoes and a hat, don’t be afraid to work up a sweat, and bring a bottle of water with you.

  • Yoga classes on the lawn. Ohm.

  • An organized bocce game. You’ll find out how competitive you really are.

  • A book club. The latest Janet Evanovich book? I’m all over it!

  • Brunches to introduce new residents to the community. Meet and greet. Offer to show the new residents around.

  • Movie night? Let’s go! Whether it’s “Gone with the Wind” or “Pirates of the Caribbean” we are in!

  • Arts and crafts classes. Fun and quirky and allows you to show your creative side.

  • Flower arrangement classes. When you’re done you can photograph your work and post in on social media!

  • A baking contest? The best part is sampling the goodies afterward. Just a little bite here and there.

  • Guest lectures, maybe host a visiting author.

  • Bus and field trips. Did someone say Atlantic City?

  • Bike rides on nearby trails. Don’t forget your helmet!

  • How about a hike in the woods? Spray yourself with some mosquito repellent first!

  • Travel programs, either domestic or international. Have passport, will travel!

  • Computer classes – introduction to Facebook, setting up an email account, how to Skype, take them all! 

Include as many social, cultural, educational and physical activities as you can manage. It is a fabulous way to spend time with friends or make new ones.

Mary Smith


My hobbies are writing, photography

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