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Guidelines for International shipping

Are you planning to courier your parcel Internationally? Get your parcel delivered from Fast Corredor. It is the best international courier service in Kolkata? Fast Corredor provides a variety of cost-effective parcel service options for you to choose your preferred country where you want to parcel.

Before that, you need to hold up for a few minutes. Don’t forget to follow the guidelines for International delivery from India. There are certain guidelines that you should abide by :

  1.  Parcel categories & recipients’ details : 

There are several ways to categorize a product, and it’s very important to make sure you have chosen the correct category as it directly affects the customs regulations, taxes, and duties concerning your package. You need to be concerned about the categories as they shouldn’t contain any dangerous goods and then you should look into the recipients’ address details in a proper way. It’s very surprising how the packages end up not being delivered because of the inaccurate address details.  

  1. Size & weight of packages : 

Ensure the size & weight of your packages to maintain the International courier services. Size & weight can be varied because of different local restrictions in some countries. It affects the cost of your shipment. Packages with a large size-to-weight ratio require special pricing and dimensional weight calculations.

  1. Cost-Effectiveness : 

When you’re looking for a courier service, try to find one that suits the product & price range. Fast Corredor gives you a nominal price rate & end to end services. 

  1. Prohibited Items :

There are some items that are prohibited from export and import as per the country’s government norms to ensure environmental safety, social well-being, conservation of natural resources, and avoid trade embargoes. Therefore, you make sure to check the list of such items for the country the package is shipped from as well as the destination. The shipping carriers also have a list of prohibited items that need to be checked before making a shipment.  

Raju Roy


I am committed to providing our customers exceptional service while offering our employees the best training.

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