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Flutter App Development for Beginners

Flutter App Development for BeginnersArticle By Bluelook Technology

As the popularity of mobile apps grows, the market has seen the introduction of new platforms for developing various types of apps. Native mobile app development is a thing of the past. Hybrid platforms can now be used to create mobile applications, making the process easier and less expensive. Other hybrid technologies such as Ionic, React, Phonegap, Flutter, and others have been introduced.

In the current era of mobile application development, Flutter is at the top of the list. You can hire Flutter developers for your next mobile app development project.

The Structured Topics are:

  • 1.  Flutter's Introduction
  • 2. What makes it superior to other hybrid platforms?
  • 3. How Do I Install Flutter?
  • 4. The Flutter IDE
  • 5. DART

1. Flutter's Introduction

Google created and released Flutter as a free open-source mobile UI framework in May 2017. Flutter is a free open-source mobile UI framework created and released by Google.

The Flutter SDK is a set of development tools for creating mobile applications. It is a tool that converts code to native code for mobile platforms such as iOS and Android. WIDGETS are reusable user interface elements in the Flutter framework. Our Flutter developers can customize these widgets to your specifications.

Flutter development is ideal for creating native mobile and web apps from a single code base. The app can be published on both the app and play stores, using the same code. Flutter's main advantage is that it allows a single developer to work on the code and that it is cross-platform compatible.

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2. What makes it superior to other hybrid platforms?

  • Flutter-based apps have the same look and feel like native apps when it comes to the user interface. Apps built with other hybrid platforms, such as React / Ionic, appear as web pages on mobile screens.

  • Flutter allows you to easily access native controls such as Bluetooth, WIFI, and any background service that is only available through native apps.
  • Because Flutter is a Google-developed technology, we will see new updates to native Android app development.

  • Hot reload is the most useful feature of Flutter, allowing developers to instantly see the changes made to the code on emulators, simulators, and hardware without having to re-run/rebuild the entire app. As you can see, there are numerous benefits to using Flutter. By selecting Flutter for mobile app development, you've made the right choice.

  • To become a Flutter developer and create mobile applications with Flutter, you should be familiar with the following components:

1.  Install Flutter
2. Flutter Basics
3. DART Basics
4. Widgets
5. Customized Widgets
6. Layouts & Navigation to design the app
7. API Calls & JSON Parsing

Let’s begin to get the knowledge step by step to create basic Flutter applications.

3. How Do I Install Flutter?

Flutter can be installed on your computer in a variety of ways. It also depends on the operating system that you have installed on your computer. Flutter can be downloaded from the following link and installed according to your machine's operating system:

If you run into any issues or have any questions while installing, please leave a comment or contact us. Our Flutter programmers will work with you to resolve them.

After you finish the installation, the DART package will be installed. DART does not need to be installed separately because when you install it, Flutter will choose the appropriate version for you.

4. The Flutter IDE

The following IDEs are available for developing Flutter applications:

  • Visual Studio:

When it came to flutter development, this IDE was praised for its efficiency and ease of use. The majority of web developers prefer this editor due to its familiarity. Visual Studio Code includes a robust plugin system in addition to a slew of other features. If you're going to use Visual Studio, you'll need to install the Flutter plugin.

  • Android Studio:

It's a fantastic IDE for both mobile and Flutter's development. If you're a mobile app developer, this editor should be your first choice. For all developers, it is one of Google's best user interface frameworks. With native apps, you can quickly create users for mobile, desktop, or the web.

  • IntelliJ Idea Community / IntelliJ Idea Ultimate:

This IDE is rarely used to create flutter applications. You can use it to get started with Flutter development if you're already familiar with it. For more information on how to set up an editor, please see the following link:

Your machine is now ready to begin coding for flutter apps after installing Flutter and the IDE. The next step is to learn DART, a programming language. If you're new to mobile app development, you'll also need to download Xcode.


Before settling on Dart as the best fit for the user interface, the early Flutter team considered more than a dozen languages. Flutter is very popular among developers because of Dart. Dart is free and open-source software with a clean license. Dart was first released by Google in 2011 as a replacement for JavaScript.

For more information on how to get started programming with DART, please see the official article:

We are also going to publish an article on DART programming concepts soon.

1. Create the first project of Flutter
2. In the IDE, choose to Create New Flutter Project.
3. Select Flutter Application as the project type. Then, click the Next button.
4. If the text field is empty, select Install SDK... to ensure that the Flutter SDK path specifies the SDK's location.
5. Enter a project name here (for example, my app). Then press the Next button.
6. Finally, click Finish.
7. Wait for Android Studio to finish installing the SDK and creating the project.

To create a project with different IDEs, please refer to the below link:


The Flutter framework excels at providing a platform-independent foundation for mobile app development. The Flutter framework will undoubtedly enable a large number of new developers to develop high-performance and feature-rich mobile applications in the near future by providing simplicity in the development process, high performance in the resulting mobile application and a rich and relevant user interface for both Android and iOS platforms.

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Bluelook Technologies Private Limited. And it is a startup company. Currently, we are providing services on below things, 1) Website Development. 2) UI/UX Design 3) IOS App Development. 4) Android App Development. 5) E-commerce App Development, etc.

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