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eDM marketing 2021: Best practices and email templates

People might think emails are so 2010. You get loads of emails every day, but most don’t get opened. Some may go straight to the spam section. But if you think emails are a thing of the past, think again. According to a recent research study, email remains one of the most persuasive marketing tools and forms of communication. While other channels like instant messaging are taking hold, emails are still the most far-reaching form of business communion. By 2022, the total number of emails sent and received per day would probably exceed 333 billion.

So if you want to make your marketing plan a success, you don’t want to miss out on arguably the most effective channel known to marketers. In fact, let’s look at how we can make different channels supplement each other.

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eDM marketing vs email marketing

Before we go any further, did you know eDM marketing and email marketing aren’t two interchangeable terms?

Wait, hold on a minute, aren’t they just emails?

Photo by William Fortunato from Pexels

Let’s take a closer look.

The term “email marketing” refers to the commercial email messages you send to your subscribers. It’s used to keep your subscribers involved and deliver important messages. There are many forms of email marketing, like newsletters, promotions, email marketing campaigns, etc.

According to DMA, email is still the key strategic channel, with 91% of surveyed marketers recognizing its importance. This channel alone generates USD42 of returns for every USD1 spent. So email marketing is still an important tool for brand awareness and creating rapport.

On the other hand, eDM stands for “electronic direct mail”. It’s a form of email marketing, but as its name suggests, far more direct. It’s used by companies and brands to build loyalty and increase sales among a large group of potential clients, and the relationships built will hopefully convert into leads and sales.

As the name suggests, eDMs are customized to be “direct”, blasting away to a mass group of users. Still, the messages are personalized depending on the segment and demographic of each user. eDM can also reinforce different campaign messages, such as social media, promotion and CRM, remarketing and offline events, creating an all-encompassing brand experience through email.

Why do you need eDM marketing?

Now, since you understand the difference between eDM marketing and email marketing, let’s see why having a good eDM campaign will make your brand stand out from the crowd.

Cost effectiveness

You might spend loads of money on your social media ads or Google Ad campaigns. We aren’t saying those aren’t good, but for eDM campaigns, all you need is a database. If you have a long enough list of potential leads, you can create beautiful segmented campaigns with eDM marketing templates. No boosts, no agencies, nothing – more bang for your bucks!

Builds rapport

Like instant messaging marketing, eDM marketing lets you speak to your customers directly all at once. And creating that personal touch and trust is essential. A BCG study found that trust is almost just as important as discounts for millennial shoppers. An Edelman study also found that 62% of consumers are loyal to the brands they trust, and 51% would even advocate them.

As long as your message is relevant and relatable, you can be sure to earn and keep your contacts’ trust.


The downside of traditional email marketing is that the emails were just blasted away to everyone. But for eDM marketing, you can highly personalize your email strategy based on your audience and goals. Examples include tweaking the banner, copywriting, particular promos for particular segments and so forth.

Because of that, you can fine-tune your messages and eDM marketing templates in a way that will suit a particular segmentation. This way, your emails will have a much higher chance of being read and deliver the conversion you want.

A good eDM marketing tool should help you customize your message, track the conversions and give you vital information on improving.

This explains why eDM is taking over as the hot trend in the email marketing world. If you want to create integrated, direct and personalized messages and not just blast away, eDM is your go-to tool.

the best supplement to your eDM campaign:




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Valerie Man



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