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Content Marketing Strategies that DO NOT work anymore

           Content Marketing Strategies that do not Work Anymore


Content marketing has evolved immensely since its foundation. The content marketing process has evolved and has been dynamic ever since, with trending strategies becoming obsolete quickly. What worked yesterday may fail today. The reason? The ever-changing consumer behavior. 

And the content marketer that doesn’t adapt, dies. The only solution is to keep up with the changing pace of new strategies that show up every morning and discard the ones that are no longer acceptable. So, here is a brief compilation of strategies that are a recipe for a failed content marketing campaign. Avoid them at all costs. 

Seemingly Duplicate Content

Following what is ‘in’ is a strategy that doesn’t work anymore. If you are still following the vibe around as a reference to your content, you would be just another pea in a pod. To stand out from the crowd, stop producing content that just seems a copy of someone else's successful write-up. Add value to your content to make it unique and shine. 

Ignore Promoting the Content

Growing organically has been the aim for content marketers from day one. But those were the times of no competition. With a swarm of brands in every niche and more popping up every day, promoting the content to grab more attention is the need of the hour. Further, promoting the content to the target audience helps in saving time by not catering to an irrelevant audience. 

Following a Generalized Posting Schedule

If you are still following a ‘best time to post’ schedule suggested by an expert analytics blog, time to discard the strategy. Every account’s audience has its ‘best posting time’ and it is when they are the most active. This may be based on factors like leisure hours of the country your audience is in, weekends or weekdays, et al. Following a generalized schedule worked when audiences were hyperactive about the fear of missing out, not knowing that the content would wait for them. Today the woke audience has preferred time to interact with their favorite brands.

Favoring yourself over your audience

And lastly, the strategy that is a passé is forcing your content on your audience without knowing their preferences. There was a time when it worked as the audience was naive. But with an audience smarter than ever, it is time to serve them just what they want. It is the only way to keep them glued.

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Since 2017, we have been offering digital marketing solutions to clients across all industries globally. Our expert team can take care of your content creation, design, and search engine optimization. We also provide social media manage ent and marke

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