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Common Questions that Business Brokers in NYC Can Answer

@ Business owners can find it hard to wrap their heads around all the possible variables present in a business selling process. It’s part of what justifies the work of business brokers in NYC and beyond – to begin with.

A business broker (in NYC, of all places) should be readily available to answer many of the questions that an inquiring company owner may have, related to the arduous process of selling a business in such a regulated city. As well, he/she ought to be capable of offering recommendations on how to get the process going and informing of the different hurdles that can be found along the way.

Common Questions that Business Brokers in NYC Can Answer

Below we’ll list some of the most frequently asked questions that business owners may be asking:


The best possible way to determine whether a business broker is good for you is through interviews. By interviewing two or more individuals, you could intuitively discern whether the broker is reliable and has the necessary skills, knowledge, and connections to make the sale happen in the shortest period and with the best price tag.

As a side note, this is not a question that a specific business broker could answer, but we’ve included it here anyways.

  1. How Long Does It Take to Close a Business Sale?

Business brokers get asked this quite a lot, and understandably so. Business owners would want the process to end as quickly as possible so that they may get on with their lives.

An honest business broker would tell the owner to not set expectations with regards to duration. Many factors could alter the time frame for a business sale, including the size of the company, its location, and the financing options available at a given time.

Valuations can already take a huge amount of time since all kinds of market metrics must be taken into account by business brokers. NYC is likewise a particularly difficult market to tackle due to the great number of competing businesses that operate therein.

In summary, the span of time it takes to sell a business cannot be feasibly ascertained.

  1. How Does a Business Broker NYCFind A Buyer?

A business brokerage firm has the required tools to find buyers quite easily. They can choose from a network or shortlist of buyers, or through busy marketing via a myriad of business sale platforms. Brokers can also perform marketing listings on various top publications in the industry for increased exposure.

Additionally, business brokers in NYC are trained to sift through all prospective buyers and filter those with the most qualifications and possibilities of getting financed.

  1. What Are The First Stages of A Business Sale?

Business brokers would first have to go through a business valuation and market analysis. For this purpose, a good business broker in NYC would ask for documentation and financial records to be able to delineate an accurate pricing range for the business. This would also grant a business owner the opportunity to invest in improving the business from an operational standpoint, as well as infrastructure, with the goal of settling for a higher price.

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Vishal Bharucha is the President of VNB Business Brokers. He is a serial entrepreneur with an extensive background in launching, growing and selling companies.

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