Food & Drinks > Cakes & Pastries


Who doesn’t love cakes! Cakes are one of the most sought after and favourite sweet dish of all time. They are bought and gifted for all kinds of occasions like birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, family gatherings etc. Taking consideration into the fact that you and everyone in the world love cakes, have you ever noticed that at times, you just don’t get excited the same way around certain cakes? If you have ever felt that way, there is nothing wrong with you if that’s what you are thinking. I mean who in their right mind don’t love a good cake! Chances are, the underlying problem in your preference of cakes might be due to the very specific taste of your Zodiac sign.

Go ahead and read all about the zodiac signs and their taste of cakes so that you can always find the right cake for the right person. Let the stars be the guide for your next birthday cake.

ARIES March 21 -April 19

According to Greek mythology, Aries is the extremely powerful god of war. Just like their namesake god, the people born under this star are the fiercest of them all. Their fiery personalities and determination have effectively made Red their signature colour. Keeping this in mind, I would suggest going for a Red Velvet Cake, Rose Floral Cake or a Crimson Cornelli Cake. These would definitely match their personalities and they will love them!

TAURUS April 20 – May 21:

Taurus, known among the ancient Mesopotamians as the ‘Bull of Heaven’, signifies a strong-minded character with perseverance and determination. Taurans can be extremely moody, so one has to actually be very careful in the gifts you buy them because things can get really scary really fast.

A true Tauran has a very earth sense of taste and embraces the finer things in life which are mostly very comforting and classic. For a Tauran, my recommendation would be the thickest and creamiest chocolate cakes you can find. They find chocolate peaceful and maybe you can consider a minty flavour with chocolate to appeal to their crowd-pleasing traits.

GEMINI May 22—June 20

Geminis are known for their duality.  A two-toned, two-flavored cake can help embrace the two sides of your Gemini friends.  From inquisitive and fun-loving, with a fascination of the world around them to thoughtful and open-minded, Gemini’s distinct curiosity and lovable traits make the perfect explosion of cake flavours if chosen correctly. Go for Angel Devil Cupcakes or Peanut Butter Cakes or anything that gives a visual representation of two different sides of the same coin.

CANCER June 21- July 22:

Cancerians, known to possess a tight outer shell and a weak underside very similar to its symbol, crab are domestic, sensitive, feminine, compassionate, maternal, romantic, caretaking, and creative. They are known to follow their gut feeling and intuition rather than the intellect. Friendship and emotions are valued most importantly. Nothing beats a traditional heirloom recipe when it comes to values and emotions. My recommendation would be to go for a homemade pineapple cake, Blueberry Cakes, Fruit Cakes, Caramel Cakes, Red & Blue Velvet Cakes etc.

LEO July 23- August 22:

Belonging to the Fire element, Leo represents great, bouncy show-offs with fairly big ideas and even bigger feelings. Leos are the special ones. They have a strong aspiration to be in the limelight, every time and to have a strong influence among people. A recommendation for Leo would be a Red Velvet Cake or a cake featuring a lot of gold sparkly details. Add a ribbon and a big edible sugar flower and you have a showstopper cake!

VIRGO August 23-September 22

Virgos are shy and want importance and attention to be focused on anything and everything but them. While people from other zodiac signs might be a little lazy about things like buffing their shoes, ironing clothes and making sure that the hair is perfectly coiffed, the Virgo is not. Keeping aside the fact that they are introverts, Virgos are lovers of detail, with practical and analytical qualities. So, look for cakes which if not made perfectly can completely backfire such as a Carrot Cake sprinkled with almonds and other nuts.

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