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Biofeedback for PTSD: What You Should Know

Here is a guide that gives us a clear understanding of how biofeedback therapy can offer relief from PTSD. 
Most of us can't go through the day without stressing or being anxious in the modern world. The demand for schools, jobs, finance, and more is already burdening us with many thoughts and worries. 
As a result, Americans are always facing a significant amount of stress. While everyday stress can be good for us, an excessive amount can add trauma to our health. Biofeedback therapy is widely used as a stress-related treatment.
Moreover, there are promising findings of its effectiveness in treating post-traumatic stress disorder. We can't remove stress from our lives, but we can train our minds and body to manage it constructively. 
When Biofeedback comes into the picture and works to offer us a tool of techniques to reduce the effects of stress, let us understand how biofeedback therapy can show its advantages in treating anxiety!                        

Stress in Our Culture
Despite being around people and occupied with work throughout the day, we still have stress in the back of our minds. It takes over our daily activities and keeps us feeling low. 
Almost one-third of Americans are living under an extreme level of stress.
Hardly few Americans consider health care professionals to treat stress-related problems.
A common source of stress includes accidents, money, work and family responsibility, relationships. 
Children's in the current times are experiencing a greater level of stress
Parents' stress is upon children, and teenagers feel the most burdened. 

How Biofeedback Treat PTSD
Like most bodily functions, our brain works and controls the way we respond to it. Some of the brain functions are cognitive, for example, moving feet, hands, or speaking. At the same time, other functions are not in our control and are through the central nervous system.
These functions involve breathing, heartbeat, perspiration, and more. For example, the moment we are under stress, our heart rate escalates, the reaction! Breathing becomes faster, shallow, blood pressure increases, muscles are tight, and we sweat. All of this occurs in the background, and we wonder whether we can control it. 
During biofeedback sessions, your body can learn the technique to reduce the body's stress response. It is a technique that bridges the gap between cognitive and involuntary bodily functions. 
With ways to handle stress and training bodies to respond differently, you can see precise results. For example, during the feedback sessions, you can connect the sensors to your fingertip and see functions graphically. 
When these reactions get visualized, you can learn deep breathing techniques to slow your heart rate. Also, muscle tightening problems can get reduced as you purposely relax your muscle. Over time, you can slow down your heart rate and reduce stress. 
One fantastic way to reduce stress is EEG biofeedback, a type of therapy proven to reduce PTSD. During the sessions, you will feel at home. 
The environment will be positive; the session will be fun where you might be playing games, answering questions, and more. The whole therapy plan gets designed to train your brain to be calm. 

Stress Affects Us for a Long time
To understand how the therapy works, know-how stress affects us entirely. Our mind finds stressors, and then the body responds to them by releasing hormones. 
These hormones affect the body in various ways, leaving us in awe. For example, when you are stressed at the workplace, worried about your results, you might notice discomfort. 
It can be in any shape or form, like headache, neck pain, stomach ache, heart rate shot, and more. It is a clear example of how mind and body are related, and Biofeedback gives you the chance to see this firsthand. 

Now you have a clear picture of how Biofeedback works for PTSD. So what are you waiting for? Visit now! Gain more insight into the problem and learn how Biofeedback is the solution. Also, find the perfect therapist near you, ready to offer you quality support and care throughout the session. So visit now and seek guidance! 

richa Dsouza


i am a content writer and am passionate about writing medical blogs

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