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Best Ways to Avoid Conflict of Interest with Divorce Lawyer

A divorce is a sensitive time for the involved parties. For that reason, it often gets accompanied by a distressed and anxious state of mind. Thus, it is no surprise that several conflicts can occur in this span. It can be between the spouses, their children, or even with the divorce solicitors


Such disputes can arise due to conflicting interests. It is even more so when the hired divorce lawyer cannot determine the imminent or inevitable red flags that can appear during their conversation with their client. The best solution in such instances is to go over to some other attorney who can handle and settle the case peacefully. A few general circumstances where a conflict of interest with a divorce lawyer can happen consist of the following scenarios:

  • The divorce attorney is a friend related to the families of any of the spouses
  • The lawyer had served as a representative of the client or their spouse during their marriage
  • The divorce attorney belongs to the family of the client’s spouse. 
  • The lawyer remains employed with the client’s spouse with matters related to the divorce or some other case
  • The divorce attorney had represented or worked for someone belonging to the client’s family or their spouse’s

In this article, let us discuss how conflicts of interest with a family law solicitors dublin can get avoided.

Hiring Different Divorce Lawyers


In some cases, the two spouses involved in a divorce proceeding may try to hire or employ a single divorce attorney. They may do so to save up on the fee expenses. However, it is a non-ethical approach for the lawyer even if the entire process remains amicable and the separation agreement gets decided on beforehand.

In addition to that, such an approach may lead to numerous disputes. It may happen if the attorney fails to handle the matters flawlessly. The excessive burden on the lawyer may lead to it more often than not. Neither party can get the settlement they wish for if that happens, resulting in a poor closure of the entire divorce case.

For that reason, the spouses should choose different divorce attorneys. Women who feel uncomfortable with the proceedings can choose female divorce lawyers around whom they feel secure.

Avoiding Mutual Friends


Conflict of interests can occur when the hired divorce attorney on either side is a mutual friend of the spouses. In such instances, the lawyer may face trouble maintaining an objective point of view because they get forced to choose sides. Thus, they get stuck in an uncomfortable situation that impairs their performance. That is why divorce lawyers who are mutual friends should not get hired for the proceedings. 


Extensive Knowledge


The compensation claim solicitors chosen should not have any prior connections to the spouses involved in a divorce case. However, it does not mean that the involved parties should not perform any research and hire an unprofessional and incapable attorney. It becomes detrimental to all associated individuals if that happens. 


It can get owed to the continuing conflicts that may arise due to the divorce attorney’s lack of knowledge and understanding. It is highly likely and probable that they would suggest something that does not sit right with their client, leading to unending disputes. It gets escalated even more if the lawyer can express their points lucidly and make the others understand what they mean to say. 


For that reason, it is best to hire an experienced and professional divorce attorney. They have all the skills and capabilities relevant to handling a separation case. That is how they can settle the matter effortlessly and conveniently.

James Colmen


Working as Digital Marketer.

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