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Best Medical Gastroenterologist in Hyderabad

Gastroenterology is the branch of medicine that focuses on the functioning and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A gastroenterologist is a physician who specializes in the branch of medicine that focuses on the diseases and conditions that affect the organs within the gastrointestinal tract. People visit a stomach specialist doctor in Hyderabad or a gastro doctor in Hyderabad if they suffer from gastrointestinal diseases.

Gastrointestinal Tract

The gastrointestinal tract or the digestive tract, or the alimentary canal, is a system of organs involved in the digestive process. The gastrointestinal tract includes the following organs-

·         Mouth

·         Oesophagus

·         Stomach

·         Small intestine

·         Large intestine

·         Rectum, and

·         Anus

When we consume food, it moves through each of the organs in the gastrointestinal tract. Each of these organs performs specific functions such as digestion and absorption of the nutrients present in the food and concludes with eliminating faeces. A myriad of things can hinder the proper functioning of the organs within the gastrointestinal tract.

Gastrointestinal Diseases

A disease is a condition that negatively affects the normal functioning of an organ. Gastrointestinal diseases, similarly, are diseases that negatively impact the digestive process. Gastrointestinal diseases are classified as diseases that affect the organs that make the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of Gastrointestinal Diseases

The best gastroenterologist doctor in Hyderabad believes that gastrointestinal diseases are caused by.

·         Unhealthy diets cause gastrointestinal diseases. Diets that contain not enough fibre, are extremely fatty, or are not well balanced can result in gastrointestinal issues like constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

·         Gastrointestinal conditions and issues can be caused due to a sedentary lifestyle. Not getting enough physical exercise can be detrimental to our overall health and can adversely affect the digestive process.

·         Gastrointestinal conditions and diseases can be caused due to ageing. As we grow older, we grow more inactive, which can increase the risk of developing gastrointestinal diseases.

·         Many people can develop gastrointestinal issues because of genetic factors. People can be predisposed to gastrointestinal issues such as celiac disease and liver conditions.

Gastrointestinal diseases are characterized as functional and structural. At the same time, functional diseases refer to those conditions where there is no discernible problem with the GI tract, but it doesn't function properly. These issues can be caused due to stress, excessive intake of dairy products, not getting enough exercise, eating a low fibre diet, being pregnant, etc.

On the other hand, structural diseases refer to those gastrointestinal diseases that affect the organ(s) in the GI tract and which also affect bowel movement. Common examples of structural intestinal diseases include- haemorrhoids, polyps, anal fissures, diverticular disease, etc.

The most common gastrointestinal diseases are-

·         Celiac Disease- Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes a reaction to gluten and certain proteins present in grains. Common symptoms of celiac disease include- vomiting, bloating, abdominal ache, etc.

·         Irritable bowel syndrome- (IBS) is a GI disease that can result in stomach aches, cramps, and bloating, associated with constipation or diarrhoea. IBS can be treated by making dietary changes like adding more or less fibre to your diet, taking some kind of probiotic, and reducing stress.

·         Peptic ulcer disease- Peptic ulcer disease is a GI disease caused due to an infection with Helicobacter pylori, a microorganism. Peptic ulcers reduce the protective inner layer of the stomach, which causes open sores to develop. Peptic ulcer disease can cause vomiting, weight loss, nausea, acid reflux, and dark stool.

·         Crohn’s Disease- Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory digestive disease with no discernible cause. This condition is part of inflammatory bowel disease, and its symptoms include reduced appetite, weight loss, bloody stools, fatigue, ulcers, and skin inflammation.

Who is a gastroenterologist?

In the above segments, we have learned about what the gastrointestinal tract is, the function it performs, and some of the diseases that can affect its normal functioning. Now we’ll take a look at the individual who specializes in the gastrointestinal tract and can diagnose and treat its issues.

A good gastroenterologist in Hyderabad is a doctor or medical professional specialising in the functioning of the organs that make the gastrointestinal tracts and the conditions that affect their normal functioning. A gastroenterologist diagnoses and treats people with gastrointestinal issues.

Not every issue with the digestive process warrants a visit to a gastroenterologist. Patients are referred to specialists by their doctors if the patient is experiencing symptoms like-

·         Excessive and abnormal abdominal pain

·         Extreme diarrhoea

·         Blood in the stool

·         Difficulty in swallowing

·         Heartburn and frequently occurring acid reflux

 A gastroenterologist is consulted for the following issues-

·         Gastroesophageal reflux disease

·         Haemorrhoids

·         Hepatitis

·         Gallbladder diseases

·         Celiac disease

·         Gastrointestinal cancer

·         Pancreatic diseases

·         Inflammatory bowel disease

·         Colon cancer

·         Crohn’s disease

·         Bloody stool

·         Oesophagus cancer

·         Polyps in the colon and large intestine

Gastroenterologists perform the following procedures to investigate, diagnose, and treat conditions-

·         Endoscopy- An endoscopy is a procedure in which an endoscope (a long flexible tube with a camera at its end) is inserted into your body through your mouth. Endoscopy is used to investigate symptoms like- bloody stools, difficulty swallowing, heartburn, acid reflux, and stomach ache. An endoscopy procedure can be used to collect tissue for biopsy.

·         Sigmoidoscopy is a procedure where the gastroenterologist or oncologist will investigate the lower part of the large intestine and the rectum for cancerous growths or polyps. The endoscope enters the body through the anus during sigmoidoscopy. 

·         Colonoscopy- During a sigmoidoscopy, the lower part of the large intestine and rectum are investigated. In a colonoscopy, the entirety of the large intestine and the rectum are checked for any abnormalities. A colonoscopy is performed to investigate cancerous growths, polyps and to look for causes of rectal bleeding, constipation, abdominal pain, and diarrhoea. A colonoscopy is also conducted to remove polyps.

·         Polypectomy- Polypectomy is the procedure performed to remove polyps from the colon and large intestine. If polyps are discovered during a colonoscopy, a polypectomy is performed to remove the polyps. Biopsy forceps are used to remove smaller polyps, whereas larger polyps are removed with the help of a snare. The removed polyps can be used to check whether there is any cancerous growth.

Gastroenterologists use the above procedures, among other investigative and diagnostic tools, to investigate and treat issues within our gastrointestinal tract. Gastroenterologists, with the necessary training, can perform important surgeries and transplants.

If you live in Hyderabad or Andhra Pradesh, or Telangana, then you can find a good gastroenterologist in Hyderabad by simply typing “Best gastroenterologist doctor in Hyderabad.” You can find information regarding the sitting hours and contact information for a top gastroenterologist in Hyderabad with a simple internet search.

Trustworthy websites like TrueCare Surgicals and Yashoda Hospital have curated lists for the best gastroenterologist in Hyderabad. In their curated lists, they have mentioned the best medical gastroenterologists in Hyderabad, their qualifications, the treatments they are known for, consultation timings, and fee structure, along with their place of practice.

The gastrointestinal tract performs some of the most important functions in our body. Gastrointestinal diseases can seriously affect your day-to-day life. Therefore, you mustn’t wait for your condition to exacerbate. Book your appointment with the best gastroenterologist in Hyderabad today.  

Dr Kiran Peddi


Dr. Kiran Peddi is the best gastroenterologist and Innovate IBD in Hyderabad. He is expert and specialized in the treatment of disorders and diseases pertinent to the digestive system.

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