
Brendan Diza zhang

United States

Company Details

Company Name : Poppy Mobile Shopping
URL of Business :
Business Category : Consumer goods and service
Types of Services : Poppy, inspirational shopping for fashion and lifestyle Poppy gathers massive selection of inspirational products at your fingertip. Find and create the perfect wishlist for you from over 100 million items including Fashion, Home Decor, Men Fashion,
Address : 9450 SW Gemini Dr, Beaverton, Oregon
Country : United States
City Name : Beaverton
Zip Code : 97045
Coordinate :
What3Words :
Phone : 9499926348
Email : [email protected]
Year Incorporated :

Opening Hours

About Company

Poppy is a completely free e-commerce marketplace. We empower (small) business owners with in-depth advice on running successful online shops.

Company Location