
Nick Ruiz

Company Details

Company Name : Metro Milwaukee Home Buyer
URL of Business :
Business Category : Finance
Types of Services : Cash Home Buyers
Address : 6825 W Brown Deer Rd, #242442
Country : United States
City Name : Milwaukee
Zip Code : 53224
Coordinate :
What3Words :
Phone : 414-435-2888
Email : [email protected]
Year Incorporated :

Opening Hours

  • Monday from 12 am (midnight) 12:00 am (midnight next day)
  • Tuesday from 12 am (midnight) 12:00 am (midnight next day)
  • Wednesday from 12 am (midnight) 12:00 am (midnight next day)
  • Thursday from 12 am (midnight) 12:00 am (midnight next day)
  • Friday from 12 am (midnight) 12:00 am (midnight next day)
  • Saturday from 12 am (midnight) 12:00 am (midnight next day)
  • Sunday from 12 am (midnight) 12:00 am (midnight next day)

About Company

Metro Milwaukee Home Buyer is a local family owned business. We buy houses in Milwaukee in ‘as is condition’ and promise to close the sale in 2 weeks (sometimes even less).

Company Location