
Christopher Atkinson


Company Details

Company Name : Massive Transcription
URL of Business :
Business Category : online education
Types of Services :
Address :
Country : US
City Name :
Zip Code : 77009
Coordinate :
What3Words :
Phone : 1-820-450-6258
Email : [email protected]
Year Incorporated :

Opening Hours

About Company

Massive Transcription is also launching their new Automated Transcription Service at very affordable costs. Automated Transcriptions involve transcribing your audios or videos into textual form with the help of online software. As simple as uploading your file’s project details online and near instantly receiving the end result. This service is ensured with quick turnaround and good quality. This AI powered tool can be used for basic transcription, however, it cannot compete with the attention to detail provided by a human transcriber. Massive Transcription is one of the leading and most reliable transcription companies in the industry. With their services, you can outsource transcription, translation, and work from anywhere in the world. Transcription Service provides high-quality audio and video transcriptions to corporations, legal firms, media houses, universities, etc. The transcription rates start at $0.10/min for the automated service. They offer court proceedings transcription, legal transcription, and business transcriptions to companies and individuals located all around the world. The quality of their works is regardless of where you live. The company is an ISO certified one and specializes in dialects of over 100 languages. Visit Site: