Tackling pending cases in Indian Courts

  • 12 May 2022
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Tackling pending cases in Indian CourtsEvery year, a minimum of five crore cases are filed across various courts of India. Even as some of these cases stay pending for over ten years, judges dispose of only two crores. This is inefficient and ineffective as well. But recognizing a problem requires recognition of its causes. Here are the primary causes that you need to know.Low awareness of rightsTwo of the ten founding principles of economics are that:People respond to incentives, andThe government can sometimes improve market outcomes.As India advanced socio-economically over the decades, one of the resulting effects was an increased

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How Does a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Handle a Claim For Compensation?

  • 24 Mar 2022
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Many motorcycle accidents include another vehicle, and the car driver’s negligence harms the motorcyclist. In other cases, some accidents appear to include only the motorcycle but get caused by bad roadway design or signage, defects in the road, construction-related issues, or even waste that has fallen off a truck.Negligence means a violation of the rules and regulations to use appropriate care while driving, like when a driver fails to pay attention, tailgates, passes a motorcyclist, tries to race, texts while driving, drunk n drive, or fails to follow traffic signals and regulation. This negligence is the cause of your accident

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Where Are the Best Express entry destinations

  • 19 Feb 2022
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A new report shows that nearly two-thirds of all applicants for immigration to Canada through Express Entry the main driver of economic applications are taking that invitation to discover Ontario quite seriously by moving there. A grand total of 122,247 applications for Canadian permanent residence were submitted through Express Entry in 2018. This figure includes accompanying family members such as spouses, partners, and dependent children, as well as principal applicants. Of these, 78,838 stated their intention to reside in Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, and home to the largest city in Canada, Toronto, as well as the nation’s capital, Ottawa. This was

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Important Things to Know About a Professional Process Server NJ

  • 07 Feb 2022
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In the time you need to deliver a serve to an individual or a business regarding impending legal action, a process server NJ can be your help. How do you get the right legal documents to the right people promptly while fulfilling all the rules of due diligence for your court? This is really a matter of concern because the great number of people in New Jersey, decide to bypass a professional process server and send their legal documents to the local sheriff for service.  You can do that, but one thing you should know. Although using a sheriff’s office for service can be less expensive, needs less

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How Divorce Lawyers Do Work on Your Behalf

  • 03 Jan 2022
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A stable relationship turned marriage is a blessing in life. Alas! Not everyone gets one. Sometimes distance gets built up between a happy relationship, and distances create barriers. Lucky are those who resolve it between themselves and move on together, others just want a way out. There may be a valid reason for one walking out of a relationship for their good. A failing marriage leads to divorce, which becomes very hectic when lawyers get involved. There is a common misconception that divorce lawyers dublin tend to misguide you on the wrong path and wind you up at a disadvantage.

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