How can upcoming Entrepreneurs benefit from Hiring a Business Attorney?

  • 18 Jul 2021
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Starting a business from scratch and launching your own startup is a big deal. It is a life changing step – it can be good, bad, or a bit of both. You might know a thing or two about running a company if you grew up amidst business owners. Watching parents trade and negotiate from an early age definitely provides some insight; even better if you earned a degree in business studies. If you don’t possess any of those advantages, the journey is going to be tougher for you. In any case, business law might not be something you know head to toe (or at all), and

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When does a non-custodial parent have a possession order?

  • 01 Jul 2021
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 Under any circumstances involving children’s best interest, it becomes essential to plan out visitation orders thoroughly, also referred to as possession order in Texas.  While most custody orders include a standard possession order(SPO) which sets the schedule that each parent is expected to follow.  Terms of the SPO allow the noncustodial parent to have possession of the child a couple of hours every Thursday night; on the third and fifth weekends of each month; on alternating holidays, and at least one month in the summer. Besides that, this order also specifies where the child exchanges will occur, where the child

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Can I Sue my Employer for Wrongful Termination in New York?

  • 15 Jun 2021
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Receiving an employment termination letter without any prior warning may come as a shock, especially if you think that you were doing everything right. It is natural to feel betrayed or wronged if you have remained loyal to an organization for a long time. Most states in the U.S, including New York, imply the principles of at-will employment. This means that your employer can fire you for any reason or without reason at any time. Therefore, if an employer lays you off because of a misunderstanding or without providing an explanation, it is entirely legal. However, if you decide to leave a job suddenly, you need to give

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What to do when your Spouse asks for a Divorce?

  • 14 Jun 2021
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When a spouse demands divorce, it is heartbreaking, whether it was expected or out of the blue. If divorce is not something you want or thought about, your reaction will likely be a mixture of shock, grief, and anger. One spouse asking for divorce is not always the end of a marriage; many couples are able to work out their differences, conflicts, concerns, and misunderstandings. Nonetheless, there is no use dragging a relationship when the other has clearly called quits. It is best to resolve the matter in a civil manner and prevent a contentious litigated divorce. Here’s precisely how you should handle the situation:1.      Stay calm and composedLashing

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Can I get charged with DUI for Marijuana in California?

  • 06 Jun 2021
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Marijuana use as medication and for recreation has been legalized in several parts of the United States, including California. Nonetheless, driving under the influence of alcohol or any other substance (legal, illegal, and controlled drugs) is a serious criminal offense. If you were driving while intoxicated by marijuana, it is very likely to get into trouble with the law. If a cop arrests you for DUI of Marijuana, you must use your Miranda Rights and ask DUI Defense Attorney in San Rafael, CA, to represent your case. DUI marijuana cases are somewhat different from standard drunk driving charges, even though penalties are similar following a conviction. The Impact of

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