Plant Based Diet for Diabetes Type 1 – Here’s Scientific Evidence

  • 13 Jul 2021
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Plant Based Diet for Diabetes Type 1 - Here's Scientific EvidenceThe International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention featured many plant-based miraculous disease reversals.One patient had not one, but two heart attacks in two months. A whole-food, plant-based diet helped him control his cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugars, and also lost 50 pounds. The numbers don't show the transformation from feeling "dead man walking" into having his life back.There is already enough evidence to support the claims of autoimmune inflammatory disorder reversal, psoriasis and lupus-nephritis renal inflammation. We didn't believe we could do much about type 1 diabetes, as we know nothing

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Plant Based Diet Climate Change – Doctors campaign for Beans Not Beefs

  • 10 Jul 2021
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Plant Based Diet Climate Change - Doctors campaign for Beans Not BeefsA group of doctors has called on the US government for a plant-based diet to combat the climate crisis.Last week, members of the Physicians Committee of Responsible Medicine (PCRM), demonstrated at the National Mall."Beans Not Beef"Vanita Rahman (MD), Lee Crosby (RD, LD) and Zeeshan Al, PhD led the campaign that saw experts holding signs declaring: "Beans Not Beef."This slogan was also displayed on the floor using bags of beans. All the food used during the demonstration was donated later.According to PCRM swapping beef for beans could reduce the US' greenhouse

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