Tiffin Business Model Meets Enduring Food Safety Standards

  • 01 Jul 2021
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A recent graduate in management studies chanced upon an interesting opportunity at online tiffin service ground, which resulted in him quitting his present job and start a new career in tiffin service ground, this past April. The young graduate, who goes by the name of Mattias in the industry, was introduced to tiffins through a friend. Mattias joined the 'Tiffin revolution' when he took up a job as a food service manager at a popular restaurant. Within a few months, he rose from that position and was soon making his own mark in the industry.He was not satisfied with the food served at that restaurant and

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7 Helpful Tips for Dealing with Picky Eaters

  • 06 Jun 2021
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Here are seven helpful tips for dealing with picky eaters. Try Foods in Smaller Quantities Every parent wants to feed their children hearty portions, making sure they get the correct number of calories. But presenting food in larger quantity may look overwhelming, and it may demotivate the toddler. So, when you offer toddler meals, start with small tastes for better results. Make Food a Fun Experience Many kids don’t touch certain foods because of how it looks. Sometimes improving the appearance of food can make kids more willing to eat it. For example, cutting vegetables and fruits into fun shapes is

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5 Ways to Nurture Healthy Eating Habits in Your Children

  • 31 May 2021
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A child who eats healthy food can stay physically active and spend more time outdoors. But many parents struggle to make their children eat healthy meals for kids. Here are the five ways that can help you nurture healthy eating habits in your children. 1. Variety of Healthy Meals for Kids Most toddlers are picky eaters who want only specific foods. Serving them a variety of healthy food is essential to their growth. Nutritious snacks made of vegetables and fruits can be an excellent immune booster. If they refuse to eat, try again and again to make them accustomed to the taste. 2.

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