
Trenette Wilson

Lady Trenette Wilson is an award-winning author, nonprofit expert, and founder of the largest etiquette association in the nation serving urban communities.

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Black Girls in Crisis...What Ma’Khia Bryant’s Death Reveals About Black Girls

  • 04 May 2021
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What Five Signs Ma’Khia Bryant’s Death Reveal About Black Girls in CrisisAs the country collectively gasped in horror at the on-camera killing of Ma'Khia Bryant, a 16-year-old Columbus, Ohio teenager who was gunned down by Officer Nicholas Rearden during a knife attack, one prevailing narrative has emerged that focuses on the actions of the officer.  Though the officer’s actions are worthy of discussion, I feel there are four indicators that reveal Black girls are in crisis.Ma’Khia, by all accounts was described as a loving and beautiful soul, yet her home life and demise is becoming an all-too-familiar end for Black girls.  As details of her home life slowly

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