
Tarek Chouja

The Functional Training Institute (FTI) are a movement based education company focusing on Functional training and Movement restoration based training methodologies.

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Custom functional training program made easy with certification

  • 17 Aug 2022
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Functional training makes you an expert in various rehabilitation techniques. The focus is on the restoration of proper function and strength of musculoskeletal system. The goal is to make things easier for the patients to do daily activities. Core strengthening or training is often a part of the training. The core muscle strength is central to good mobility and posture. This improves the daily activities or ADL including the following.Personal care as dressing or showeringHome maintenance as yard work, cleaning, and doing dishesWorkplace activitiesADL depends upon a person and while some things are common with everyone like waking up and

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Build Muscles and Increase Stamina with Functional Training at Gyms in Caringbah Sydney

  • 17 Aug 2022
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While most athletes know that building up muscle strength is important, only a few realize the benefits of functional training. This enhances your performance on gridiron, tracks, or links. Athletes may miss the boat by ignoring this crucial stamina-building workout method that engages the muscle groups and gives holistic results for the body. Most of the activities at the gym fail to give results because they do not translate to the things you do out in the field. An ideal workout session should mimic the environment at the racecourse, pool, field, or court. Why is functional fitness successful when weight room activities fail to give results?  The approach of

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