
Shelly Rathi

Shelly Rathi is a Digital Marketing Specialist, Focusing on content marketing and social media campaigns.

  • Articles Posted: 6
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Various Evaluations in the Pharma Sector

  • 24 Dec 2021
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From the ages where open heart surgery was just a myth to the age where eye cornea can be fixed by a simple laser treatment. In this moment of time medical sector have shown some big improvements. In the various parts of the social and developments areas where the medical sector including the pharma sector. As for today pharma industries are one of the best sectors out there. There are various pharma industries which are showing some big improvement over the years. At the early age we used many methods to find the cure of any disease from the anyway its

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How Far the Hotel Industry Come.

  • 18 Nov 2021
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If we look at the statics of the early age hotel industry have come so much far ahead of its time. From the hotel management colleges to a big 7- Star Hotel every thing is changes so much. If we look at the statistics the hotel industry is increasing day by day. It shows the growth in the sector by 35%. Hotel industries are doing very good now a days. Meanwhile Institution which offers the practices for the hotel industry are also increasing. Institution offers the hotel management practice in many areas, these areas include hotel administration, hospitality, inventory, food and bakery, and front office operation.In the duration

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Up Growing Medical Facilities in the Pharmaceutical Sector.

  • 22 Oct 2021
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In these past few years pharma sector is growing rapidly on its own way. We haven’t noticed it but there are much more then we heard in our daily life. Right now, we are in the surge of war with this disastrous pandemic and hopefully with the help of advancement in our pharma sector we are able tackle the situation. Regardless we do get some backdowns but somehow, we are managing it. Like any other field medical science must grow in the same order as the technology is growing day by day. Practically we are using the new techs for growing the medical sustainability. Like for better result

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Is modern architecture is all about building the skyscraper?

  • 27 Jul 2021
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When I was a little boy, I used to make buildings, houses, bridges from my Lego toy set. Sometimes me and my friend try to make the tallest building by using our Lego set. That was probably the last time we thought of making big buildings. Now in high-tech cities like Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Hyderabad not only they are advance in the tech field, but they also have the world's best-manufactured establishments.What, Why, and How?Now the biggest question is the modern architecture is about big and long buildings? If so, how are they doing it and how are they able to do this thing

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How is Bachelor’s in Architecture different from Bachelor of Technology with Civil Engineering

  • 20 May 2021
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Both the B. Arch and B. Tech Civil have the same tactics and follow the same course structure. Several students may get confused with the difference between B. Tech Civil Engineering and B. Arch. Not only do they both have a similar course structure, but they also have the same career opportunities. The Only difference is the job role. Profiling between B. Arch and B. Tech B. Tech civil gives the study of the entire process of the product development and overall structural study from designing the model to the constructed delivery, which allow include the maintenance too. But on the other hand, B. Arch’s course structure is sketched to study

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