
Sheelaa phoenix

Sheelaa M Bajaj is renowned Numerologist and tarot card reader with excellent skills in Life coaching, Feng shui, Baby names and Business name. She is also certified facilitator and teaches many master level courses in multiple Sciences.

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Numerology Number 4 – Intellect, Gentle Loving and Soft

  • 02 Jul 2021
  • 1

Numerology Number 4 stands for the planet Rahu.You are well informed, wise and have information on almost everything. You are well-spoken and have the gift of the gab. Number 4 controls intellect and therefore you have all that it takes to be successful. You are gentle loving and soft. You will always attract secret enemies and people who will tend to spoil your name. All your good efforts turn completely futile and you get back negative for all the good you give.Even when you help people with a genuine concern you will attract a bad name. You go out of

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