
Ritadeep Roy

I am Ritadeep, a normal digital marketer who loves to write about fintech, marketing & personal finance.

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10 Biggest Mistakes Equity Investors Make.

  • 21 Sep 2022
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Investing in equities would mean that a person or an investor is buying and selling shares of a company to gain profits. And obviously, in order to make a substantial amount of profit, the investor would want to buy at a discount and sell at a higher price to gain a maximum difference. It may seem simple enough to read and maybe even to start investing. But there are a lot of common mistakes that investors make while investing in equities. Or even other financial instruments in general. Now, keep in mind that the stock market is subject to market risks, and however you try to minimize your

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Credit Score Checklist

  • 19 Jan 2022
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Credit Score VariabilityAssuming you have kept a decent record as a consumer for example you've had a decent history of past Mastercard bills and advances, then, at that point, you have kept a decent FICO assessment. In any case, the FICO assessment is determined inside the scope of 300 to 900. You are considered to have a fair score on the off chance that it falls inside 500 to 700 and a high score when it's over 750.Presently, assuming that you are under the billows of disarray on the most proficient method to further develop FICO rating, here's the agenda.

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