
Ranjith Savarakodi

Ranjith Savarakodi is a digital marketer cum content creator and technology enthusiast. Passion for cutting-edge technology and love of content creation. While not writing about technology and ERPs for us, he loves reading books.

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Why businesses should move their ERP to the cloud?

  • 05 Oct 2021
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A traditional ERP solution takes a lot of time to install, update and manage which is further increased by the lack of an automated provisioning process. With on-premise ERP systems, businesses can expect to spend millions of dollars on hardware upgrades. Unfortunately, these investments will increase outlay noticeably at year-end with an upgrade. As changes are made elsewhere in the system, old outdated technological requirements begin to change. This may be difficult for firms that do not want their IT systems spread across multiple platforms. The solution is simple – move your business ERP to the cloud. All cloud packages are built using the same common architecture platform that ensures

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