
pooja negi

Marketing Analyst

  • Articles Posted: 3
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Virtual Reality(VR) VS Augmented Reality(AR)

  • 16 Sep 2022
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If you work in the digital domain of Augmented and Virtual Reality Technology, you may be asked "what precisely do you do?" on a regular basis.But the true question should be, "What don't you do?" VR & AR - The DefinitionThe answer to this question begins with the somewhat complex Merriam Webster definitions of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. According to Merriam-Webster, virtual reality is "an artificial environment which is experienced through sensory stimuli (such as sights and sounds) provided by a computer and in which one's actions partially determine what happens in the environment."  The same dictionary defines AR as

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Why Metaverse NFT Marketplace Development – Lessons Learned From Google

  • 23 Aug 2022
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The development of the metaverse NFT market is a sure way to capture the attention of NFT enthusiasts. It combines virtual reality and NFTs in an amazing way. Do you want to know about the NFT Metaverse Platform?Metaverse NFT Marketplace development is aimed at establishing a Blockchain-powered NFT Marketplace platform network of virtual environments in which people can interact via their avatars.NFT-Metaverse Marketplace is the world's first validated and certified global virtual space that combines cryptocurrency and augmented reality experiences. Metaverse NFT also supports games such as Fortnite, which allow users to explore and interact with other players in real life

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Metaverse NFT Marketplace Development - The Future Of Tech Arena

  • 16 Aug 2022
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NFTs will be huge in 2021. In 2022, they will still be the hottest trend.NFTs are gaining popularity at an incredible rate, and it is now possible to create the Metaverse, a digital future. Metaverse allows users to experience a virtual world by creating their own avatars. These game-changing trends combine into one seamless experience. They can be used to create their own avatars, as well as social networks, workouts, conference calls, and work meetings. Metaverse has arrived on the global stage with the recent change in Facebook's name to Meta.NFTs & Metaverse - Key to Unique Revenue OpportunityMetaverse has

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