Pelatihan Sertifikasi K3 Kemenaker RI


Pelatihan Sertifikasi K3 Kemenaker RI

Ahli k3 umum,Ahli k3 Kimia, Ahli k3 listrik Trainers Management Indonesia (TMI) adalah Perusahaaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa Pelatihan, Pembinaan dan sertifikasi K3 (Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja). Memiliki 10 bidang SKP;

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Fire Fighter Equipment

  • 24 Apr 2022
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Hallo, buddy K3. Here will explain what is damkar or stands for firefighting well see yaa.   Damkar stands for firefighting is an element of government implementation that is given responsibility in carrying out the task of handling fire and disaster problems included in the emergency department or rescue firefighters in addition to being trained to save victims from fires or do blackouts are also trained to rescue victims of disasters such as traffic accidents, collapsed buildings, floods, earthquakes and others. Firefighting: 1. Fire Extinguisher Fire extinguishers are fire extinguishers that are divided into 2 types, namely: portable fire extinguishing tubes units and trolley

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Hazard Factors on Steam Planes

  • 24 Apr 2022
  • 0

adshayasaka English translation. Of course, in every job that is done there must be dangers that lurk at any time, including in the operation of the pressure vessel Steam Plane, therefore this is where the importance of K3 Certification Training of the Ministry of Steam Steam Aircraft Press Vessels. Check out yu !!! In the world of the steam aircraft industry has a very large level of risk, if not carried out maintenance or maintenance steps periodically in accordance with applicable regulations. The source of the danger of steam aircraft or usually called a steam boiler can be minimized by applying occupational safety and

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The Importance of K3 Certification Training of the Ministry of Agriculture

  • 24 Apr 2022
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The Importance of K3 Certification Training of the Ministry of Agriculture Occupational health and safety is part of an overall management system that includes the organizational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources necessary for the development, implementation, acquisition, evaluation, and maintaining of occupational health and safety policies as part of risk management related to work activities in order to create a safe, efficient and effective workplace Purposes and objectives of K3 Certification Training.  It is to create a workplace safety and health system that includes integrated management, employee, working conditions and work environment elements to avoid and minimize accidents, occupational

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