
Kenneth Hoag

Owner of Fleur De Roofs

  • Articles Posted: 1
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Environmentally Friendly Roofing Material Options

  • 11 Oct 2021
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Roof shingles must be replaced by the majority of homeowners at some time. Conventional asphalt shingle roofs endure 20 years, if you're lucky, when exposed to sunshine, heat, cold, rain, wind, and occasionally snow, sleet, and hail.Consider the options listed below if you want a roof that will outlive a traditional asphalt shingle roof and is built from eco-friendly roofing materials. Many of them are essentially unaffected by hail. Green roofing options range from recycled-plastic shingles to recycled-metal roofs to sustainably obtained or recovered wood roofs. The ideal alternative for your home is determined by its design, local construction requirements,

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