
Jagwinder Singh

Founder and CTO of “iapp Technologies” - a top-rated web & mobile app development company that helps many SMEs and big enterprises build & launch transformative digital products that make an impact on the industry.

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News App Development: UX Best Practices to Make it a Big Success

  • 30 Sep 2022
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Though people spend hours reading news on mobile phones, still, keeping them hooked on your app is a tough battle. However, implementing news app UX best practices give you an upper hand. UX/UI design is the most important stage in the news app development process.    Learn the tricks of the trade that work in your niche. It’s the only way to drive engagement to your digital news app. Apps with high user engagements drive 5 times more business than their competitors. So, you might like to work on the app design best practices for your news app to make more profits

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