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Myself emma, i am associated with sensa core medical instrumentation pvt ltd as a web admin. I love to read & write everything regarding health & fitness

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Veterinary Diagnostics - A Way of Taking Care of your Beloved Pets

  • 17 Aug 2022
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Veterinary healthcare has become an important market for the veterinary sector when it comes to healthcare products and care services. It has opened a lot of opportunities to the private sector and has provided a way to the mainstream of how animal health is managed in the world market. In this respect the debate concerning the requirements of animal health care and how it is met by veterinary providers is increasing day by day. How are the needs met? What are the adaptations being made in the already provided solutions?Present Day Pet owners have vastly evolved from the casual groomer

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Blood Lactic Acid Test : Use and Significance

  • 02 Aug 2022
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A Lactic Acid Test is a test which measures the level of lactic acid in the blood, also known as lactate. Lactic acid is made by muscle tissue and red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body. Normally, the level of lactic acid in blood is low. Lactic acid levels tend to rise when oxygen levels decrease. Low oxygen levels may be due to a number of underlying diseases. If lactic acid levels become too high, it can lead to a life-threatening condition known as lactic acidosis. A lactic acid test using a

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Importance of Hemoglobin & Role of Hemoglobin Meter

  • 04 Jul 2022
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The word hemoglobin comes from the words "heme" and "globin". Globin is a general term that is used for globular proteins. The name "heme" signifies that any single subunit of hemoglobin is made of a heme embedded in a globular protein. There exist many "heme" containing hemoglobin & proteins, among which hemoglobin A is the most commonly known.Hemoglobin, Commonly abbreviated as Hb, or Haemoglobin is the iron containing oxygen in red blood cells which transport metalloproteins. All mammals have hemoglobin, as it is a vital component in the blood. It contains globin, apoprotein, and organic molecules with one atom of

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Role of Electrolytes in the Body and Electrolyte Analyzer in a Medical Facility

  • 16 Jun 2022
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Electrolyte analyzers are utilized in medical lab facilities to detect electrolytes in body fluids like blood, urine and plasma. Electrolyte analyzers are the most ideal choice for use in medical laboratories, emergency clinics, doctor labs and other related clinical offices. They are very easy to use and provide speedy electrolyte analysisElectrolyte analyzers guarantee fully automatic operation within a very less space. Gives you accurate results within a minute. These are manufactured with easy to use, microprocessor based technology to boost operational characteristics. Maintenance free electrodes are the unique feature of electrolyte analyzers. A cuvette holder and test panel are some

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Why are blood gas analyzers considered indispensable medical equipment?

  • 31 May 2022
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Blood gas analyzers are widely used medical equipment with many sophisticated features. They are available in a wide range of sizes and models to cater to various applications. It is used to carry out tests of blood gases, metabolites and electrolytes using various technologies. These are tests that help detect and treat respiratory diseases and other abnormalities due to varied pH levels. That is why blood gas analyzers are considered as an indispensable medical equipment. Features such as accuracy, reliability and flexibility in performance also enhance the value of this medical diagnostic equipment.Blood Gas Analyzer - Application & FeaturesBlood Gas

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