
Abdullah Sadiq

Abdullah Sadiq is a Digital Marketer enthusiast at a leading Web design and Development Company. He is a Social Media geek, a complete foodie, and enjoys trying varied cuisine.

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5 Reasons you Maybe Referred to a Nephrologist

  • 16 Nov 2021
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While your primary care physician is an excellent resource for your overall health, there are occasions when referrals to specialists are the best option. Today we will discuss the conditions in which you should see a nephrologist. These can vary from patient to patient. In Pakistan, one might struggle in finding the best nephrologist at times. Doctors that specialize in kidney diseases are known as nephrologists. Kidney problems are becoming more common around the world, with millions of people needing treatment for renal damage or chronic kidney disease each year (CKD). Kidney illness is the 12th most common cause of mortality

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