
Vasim Shikalgar

I am a Marketing Coordinator with over 5 years of experience in developing and implementing marketing strategies for increasing organic traffic, creating customer engagement and ultimately generating leads.

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4 Steps to Achieve Maximum Energy Savings in Your Building

  • 26 Oct 2021
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Reducing the energy bills has always been one of the top priorities of every homeowner, but are the right measures being implemented? Inefficient use of energy not only causes the energy bills to rise but also negatively impacts the environment. According to IEA, over 33% of world’s energy is consumed by buildings, while releasing about 40% of CO2 emissions. Governments all across the world have been striving to lower the environmental footprint. There are tons of options that save energy. However, spending on measures that save energy without analyzing the building’s needs will only lead to higher expenses with little to none energy savings. Depending on the property, the

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